BFME Reborn v.96 Attention All! For the first time ever! A mod that fully changes bfme2/rotwk back to bfme1 playstyle. Many have tried to do this since bfme2/rotwk first came out, but as far I know this is the first successful attempt! Thanks to all who helped! This means: - All Castles, Camps, Outposts, and Farms function as in bfme1! - Not only that but you can even take a bfme1 multiplayer map and just "drag and drop" it into your Rise of the Witch King maps folder and start playing! No extra steps needed! - Currently all bfme1 maps are in the game. (As well as one AI map: See Below). - In addition, all screens and menus have a bfme1 skin. - Functions fully like bfme1 (dont need your fortress or blacksmith to use upgrades anymore, units can reach lvl 10, Structures gain lvl through experience, etc.). - Key difference between this mod and bfme1 (aside from all the graphical, spellbook, powers, and other advancements). Instead of having only 4 armies to play with. YOU HAVE 10!!! Gondor Rohan Elves Dwarves Arnor Mordor Isengard Goblins Angmar Mote (Men of the East). - Factions are balanced (in terms of unit types and variety of playstyles). NOTE: THIS IS CURRENTLY A BETA!!! AS SUCH BALANCE IS NOT SET UP YET. - Unique Spellbook, Heroes, Units, upgrades, etc for each faction. (For the most part...please report any issues. NOTE: I focusing a bit on the spells in a future patch). Things to be completed by first official release: - Unique Casltes, Camps, Outpost, and Farms for each faction (Need some help... see below). - Units - the units/heroes/buildings as they exist now are pretty much it. I plan on adding a few more units though (5 or so), and a few more buildings as well. In addition, we need to do a couple of reskins/remodling for the current units. - Palantir images in right order (right now upgrades, etc work, but all over the place). - Tooltips corrected (please start reporting issues). - Hotkeys fixed - important for pros (like me :) ). - All unfinished art to be finished (I think all if it is done. Maybe one or two places not finished. Please report). - A couple/many converted bfme2 maps - One thing EA did right with bfme2 was improving the graphical quality of the game. This includes the maps - one of my biggest reasons for modding. - Unit file or website posting if possilbe (see below). - Balance!!! Definately a top priority to have some sort of balance by the official release. Balance is one of the major factors in making or breaking a game. All of this is very doable by the first release, but I need some help with the following. Please contribute what you can: - Modeling/Skinning (mentioned above... more on that in the forums for those who want to join the mod team). - Art - Map Making - I plan on having a mapping forum. Currently you can use the bfme/bfme2/rotwk world builder to make bfme1 buildplot maps and they should work fine. NOTE: Certain maps (like minas tirith, etc. where a faction's buildplot is explicitly used (Gondors) may not have proper commandset. This is because I use a custom "cloned" buildplot for my bases. I think that by the official release I will change this so that everything truly is "drag and drop"). Currently, I am looking to convert bfme2/rotwk maps and some bfme1 maps as well (beautify then a bit). Things such as signal fires and the 'new' outposts are ok, but no inns, fortresses, etc. Also, I will probably release World Builder files so that certain mod exclusive material can be used in the maps (Such as fortress maps. ex. Dwarven Buildplot for Erebor fortress map). - Coding - I can do a huge portion of the coding, but there are things I need help with. I plan to add effects to some units (autocasting, effects, leveling, abilities, etc.) - Balance - Mixes a bit with coding. There are people on this site who have done a great job with balance. I am looking for bfme1 balance mostly, but with a little bit of bfme2 and SEE balance mixed in as well :). More on this in the forums. - Website - I need some help making a website. I having great ideas and information, but I am not that good at web design. I plan to have all the factions/units/heroes/building/spells stats listed on the website. *AI - For me personally, I have a bunch of friends here who I can lan with and play online. That is why I dont care about AI too much. In addition, I expect that this mod will eventually have its own group of people who will regularly play the game with each other that it is not my top priority. However, it is needed for starting out, practicing, etc. Also, there are a bunch of guys in the forum who I've come by who are good at AI and were actually getting bfme1 ai to work in bfme II. If anyone else can help, please let me know. *Advertising - couple ideas for advertising when a new release comes out. No major things until the official release though. If you can help please let me know. If you have any ideas or want to help out, please post in the forums. Btw, the forums aren't setup yet. If someone from administration could set up a forum for this mod, please do so. I know some of the guys in administration already. Some helped me out with how to fix this mod. The forums are located on --------------------------------------------------------------------- For this first beta release .96, everything should be "functioning" properly. Meaning all spells should execute. All build plots should build properly, all upgrades should work for a unit along with all prerequisites, etc. For beta testers please keep this in mind as to focus on what to looking for. Also every faction should have unique functionality to it. *Some units were just "thrown" into other buildings for now, but I plan on changing this. Installation, Faction Perks, and this Readme file are all in the BFME Reborn.rar file. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Lotrfan - Maker of the mod Rider Geel - Helped with many many issues in making the mod functional. Also made the load screen. Jus_Sauron - Helped with camp/outpost functionality as well as many other things. All the contributors to RJ-ROTWK. This mod has been based off of RJ-ROTWK but has been heavily modified. Enjoy!