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Modpacks » Ghosts of Arnor v0.3

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Ghosts of Arnor v0.3

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ROTWK Modification: Yes
Code Modification: Yes
BigBrainiac's Ghosts of Arnor Mod v0.3


Too many to put in the readme, so I will say the basics.

-No new ones, some are relocated (every class except wizard has poison attack)
-Custom heroes stopped taking steroids and are not as uber powerful
-Elven classes have been given melee skills (cripple strike and assassin) that can ONLY (only) (did I mention ONLY) be used
if they have toggle weapon
-Wizards have been given a variety of skills that can be classified as the use of sorcery (bombard, tornado, summon familiar, etc.)
-Dwarves have been given oil spill/light fire

NOTE: There is no AI for new and changed things in my mod
-Eagles, fellbeasts, balrogs, and shadewolves have been removed from the hero list as they are overpowered and cheap


-Can build an (experimental) eagle tower that makes a maximum of 10 giant eagles for a good sum of resources each
-Carthaen's commandset vastly improved, but the only skill that needs levelup is leadership
SKILLS: Toggle weapon, wounding arrow, leadership, move unseen, sniper
-Hobbits have been made their weak(ish) barracks unit and the horde size has been increased to 20 hobbits (probably a bit too much)
-Banner Carrier, Royal Guard (same as tower guard), and lindon warriors all require upgrades to research/build at their respective barracks

-All Rohan heroes and units removed
-Beregond added as a hero
-Commandset: Blademaster (level 1) Boromir leadership (whatever level boromir gets it), and boromir captain of gondor (same as leadership(different level))
-Damrod Added as a hero
-Skillset is identical to carthaens except that he has captain of gondor as his 4th skill

-Their buildings have level up buttons but still gain "experience" from building units (they don't change commandsets by building units)
-Upgrades still don't work (haven't spent enough time on that yet)
-Rohirrim Archers now have larger hordes (that was just to test out extending hordes)
-Still glitchy with no AI

-MINERS ARE NOW BUILDABLE AT MINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-They are affected by siege hammers (changed to "Siege Weapons")

-Celeborn added as a hero identical to Elrond (I will change in 0.35(or whatever my next version is))

Evil Factions not changed very much due to the fact I usually play as a good faction

-Can build grond at siegeworks, no longer can build 9 nazgul, khamul returned to his original name
-Still need to finish the "Nazgul" Hero unit to add as the extra 6 nazgul

-Not changed and made un-playable due to the fact they suck and have no AI (will be playable later)

I'm pretty sure I haven't changed the rest of the evil factions.

Have fun playing my mod!

Previous versions Written in the readme in the file

The next version will not be on this website due to the fact it is large in size. When it comes out, I will place a link on this page.
AuthorComments & Reviews   ( All | Comments Only | Reviews Only )
pmm10990 Your Install instructions are rather vague. The shortcut cannot find the file it needs and when I rewrite the path it get an error. More detailed instructions may help me.
File Author
The instructions were made for Windows XP, I don't know where to exactly place the files for another version of Windows (like Vista).

The shortcut is there for any XP users who installed the game in the normal directory and placed the mod file "Ghosts of Arnor" in "C:\"

If the shortcut doesn't work, you have to make a new one based off of your regular RotWK game shortcut.

If you don't already know, you change the target of the shortcut from "Game Installation Spot Here" to" "Game installation here" -mod "Mod Directory here"

If that doesn't help, I will try to go farther in depth.
leorjj Can you make a mod that seperates gondor and rohan for bfme2 witout rotwk?

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