The 3rd Age

Battle of the Pelennor Fields

Battle of the Pelennor Fields

Six new factions. Controle any of the races of man that participated in the War of the Ring.

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Battles of the 3rd Age

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Mod for Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

Avatar of druchii22


Category: Archived Mods
Created: Monday September 22, 2008 - 7:03
Updated: Saturday January 7, 2012 - 21:58
Views: 8376
Summary: A small mod that focuses on War of the Ring mod


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8 votes


Firstly, the mod's name has nothing to see with T3A site, it's just that when I was looking for a name, I found, in French, my usual language, "Les Batailles du Troisième Âge", and I thought that it was a good name. So I did the promotion of my mod, in French site mostly. When I've translated it in English, I realized it was similar to T3A's name. And because I'm lazy, I didn't want to re-edit files and topics' titles in sites where I spoke about my mod. :p

Well, let's go to the mod.
I've played a lot of mods, and except a few of them, WotR was let behind. Or because it was going to be modified later, or because it wasn't going to be modified. So, I decided, with my modest knowledge in modding, to start my own little mod, focused on WotR mod. This isn't a big mod, it's really little, I've done it with already in-game elements.


- Each faction has now a CaH army, who replaces the armies of Glorfindel, Gimli, Eomer, Khamul, Shelob and Wormtongue.

- All faction's units are buildable on the livingworld map (siege ladders, battering ram, etc.).

- Angmar unplayable.

- Great increase of CP's limit on territories (from 2000 to 3500 pts and 10000 pts for fortress maps) and heroes armies (2500 pts).

- A few changes for regions' bonuses: each unified region gives 10 pts power points, each fortress map, and only fortress maps, gives 5 power points.

- Each unit has now his default skin, uncolored (as in campaigns).

- Khamûl and Morgomir removed from Mordor, adding of six Nazgûls to Mordor and two to Goblins.

- Ent Moot added to Men.

- Adding of Giant Eagles in Ent Moot.

- Adding of Giant Eagles to Men and Elves on livingworld maps, in armory.

- Adding of Ents to Men on livingworld maps, in armory.

- Adding of Gwaihir to Elves and Treebeard, Merry and Pippin to Men. Gwaihir and Treebeard have specific leaderships that affect their own race.

- Adding of Lindon Warriors and Imladris Warriors to Elves (elite infantry, possible upgrades with silverthon arrows and forged blades).

- Heroes unbuildable in RTS, except in fortress maps for besieged player.

I hope you'll enjoy it.

Links / Downloads

Battles of the 3rd Age 1.42228September 22, 2008 - 7:10




Display order: Newest first

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Saturday January 7, 2012 - 21:58

Broken download link.

Gil-garador - Wednesday July 21, 2010 - 4:10

hi coud u add arnor as a playabel faction in both skirmis and war of the ring??? please please

druchii22 - Thursday February 19, 2009 - 2:14

I think you want to know why I remove Angmar? Actually, my mod is focused on the War of the Ring, the last years of the 3rd Age, and the fall of Arnor happens a lot of years before the War of the Ring. ;P

BTW, a new version is coming soon (2 weeks - 1 month), with new skins (from Eldarion), new units and maybe another thing I've to think about.

lady nazgûl - Tuesday February 3, 2009 - 16:49

seems good but why khamul why he and all other nazguls are awesome and angmar why!!! T___T anyway you should have your reasons nice mod... why!

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