The 3rd Age

The Horse Lords

The Horse Lords

A mod intended to enhance The Rise of the Witch King and add a new campaign

Button for The 3rd AgeButton for The Dwarf HoldsButton for The Elven AllianceButton for Helm's Deep Last HopeButton for GothmogtheOrcButton for BFME+Button for The Four AgesButton for HDR HeadquartersButton for Middle Earth CenterButton for Project Perfect Mod

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Battle for Middle-earth BFME Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2 Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK


Title CategoryLevel Author Games Rating Updated Created Comment
Living World Map Graphics Deconstruction Graphics Nertea 5 Apr 5 Apr 26 Apr 28
Crushing Special Power Part 2:Hordes Code Radspakr Wolfbane Battle for Middle-earth 4 Jun 2 Jun 2
Crushing Special Power Part 1:Heroes Code Radspakr Wolfbane Battle for Middle-earthBattle for Middle-earth IIBattle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king 4 Jun 2 Jun 2
Creating a shine effect - Environment m… Graphics Radspakr Wolfbane 4 Jul 30 Jul 15 Jul 16
Rohirrim Archer Turret Horde Code Rob38 4 Mar 20 Jan 19 Apr 12
Adding your own Create a Hero (Sub)Class Code Solinx 4 Aug 27 Mar 25 Jan 14
In-depth AI Coding Code Sulherokhh 5 Aug 27 Oct 3 Jul 29
Advanced LUA: Helper Functions Code Nertea 5 Nov 18 Nov 17 Dec 22
Horde Mount/Dismount Ability Code Rob38 4 Jun 27 Dec 19 Dec 23
Retain textures when importing for BFME… Other robnkarla 4 Mar 31 Aug 23 Sep 16
Hex Editing Models Other robnkarla 4 Jun 10 Jun 10 Mar 9
Eowyn Disguise/Camouflage (Scripts) Code Sulherokhh Battle for Middle-earth IIBattle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king 4 Oct 5 May 20 Jan 14
Animating tutorial Graphics cahik_ Battle for Middle-earthBattle for Middle-earth IIBattle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king 4 Sep 6 Apr 30 Sep 7
Custom Structures & AI for BFME1 Worldbuilder Hebblewhite 4 Jul 20 Jul 18 Jul 18
Animating with use of Inverse Kinematics Graphics cahik_ 4 Jul 9 Jul 1 May 23
Scratch Modeling a Human Graphics Nertea Battle for Middle-earth 4 Jun 29 Jun 12 Nov 10
Advanced Debugging Code ched Battle for Middle-earthBattle for Middle-earth IIBattle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king 4 Jun 17 Jun 11 Aug 11
Tunnel Logic Code GothmogtheOrc Battle for Middle-earth 4 Mar 30 Mar 26 Mar 31
Mount/Unmount Fellbeast WitchKing Code GothmogtheOrc Battle for Middle-earth 3 Mar 26 Mar 26

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