The 3rd Age

Battle of the Pelennor Fields

Battle of the Pelennor Fields

Six new factions. Controle any of the races of man that participated in the War of the Ring.

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cartanasRegular User10,240Jan 1, 0:00
Carter 43Regular User10,240Mar 14, 18:26
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coldloveRegular User10,240Jan 17, 5:24
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CollionRegular User10,240Aug 12, 19:49
Colonel of WarRegular User10,240Oct 24, 10:01
colt1287Regular User10,240Dec 27, 14:55
commandanteRegular User10,240Aug 16, 11:16
commandanteRegular User10,240Sep 16, 5:08
Commander TeosRegular User10,240Nov 29, 10:13
commander3046Regular User10,240Mar 30, 16:19
Commander_JackRegular User10,240Jan 1, 0:00
CommunistEricRegular User10,240Feb 11, 12:52
Company RolandRegular User10,240Nov 13, 22:32
confidentoastRegular User10,240Jan 26, 19:29
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cookie555Regular User10,240Jul 29, 12:40
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