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Animating with use of Inverse Kinematics

Avatar of cahik_


Category: Graphics
Level: Expert
Created: Sunday July 1, 2007 - 3:59
Updated: Monday July 9, 2007 - 12:31
Views: 6999
Summary: this tutorial shows another possible way how to animate


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To finish our idle we need to make the character move a bit. i want him to just sit there. But at least he will breath and slightly move his head and hands. So move to the frame no. 80 and move and rotate his head and hands controllers. You can see that the difference between those two poses arent big on images below but it will work fine.

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Side note: TCB rotation has tend to smooth everything so it can make some moves between keyframes that have exactly the same rotation. if you want to solve that copy the keyframe to the frame right after it and that will solve the problem. ( ie. i have rotatiton keyframe for hand on frame 50 and i copy it to the frame 110 to cycle the anim. but because i have also keyframe for it on frame 45 it will smooth that too much so the hand will move too much inside that cycle. if i want to solve that i will copy the keyframe from 50 to 51 )

At that point you can end your work. Cause you have transitional and one idle anim done ( the procedure how to do second trans anim is rather then obvious now ) but i will not stop myself there. I want at least one another idle to make that unit more natural.

I decide to make a fly kill anim just because that was the first idea that i get. It was rather then easy. He has sword in his right hand so he will kill the fly with his left hand. On the image you can see at which frames i set up keyframes for the hand. Dont forget that the hand and body needs to react on the fact that he hits himself on the neck. You will see the result on the anims that are listed here.

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Biped to Bones and IK solvers set up2022July 2, 2007 - 13:15


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Maximanbfme2tutnew - Monday May 23, 2011 - 9:25

Hi dude great tutorial. I found out of all but i export it in as like a chera then i open it with W3DViewer i open the animation and it dont do something only stand still like on Timeline 0 PLZ HELP

Sulherokhh (Team Chamber Member) - Wednesday August 15, 2007 - 7:06

This is great! :D
Thank you for letting us have a peak over your shoulder! :P

Radspakr Wolfbane (Team Chamber Member) - Tuesday July 3, 2007 - 3:17

Great Work,This tutorial will really help out modders.

Bart (Administrator) - Sunday July 1, 2007 - 4:35

Good work. Tutorials on these kinds of subjects is what the community still lacks :-)

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