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Special Extended Edition

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The Special Power Guide

Avatar of Ridder Blauw

Ridder Blauw

Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Wednesday March 25, 2009 - 9:41
Updated: Friday May 28, 2010 - 15:36
Views: 11920
Summary: Here you will read and learn tips and tricks about special powers.


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Firing Word of Power on Wound Arrow

This tutorial will show you how to add a Wound Arrow that carries Word of Power to a hero of your choice.
Level: Begginer (Though this depends on how much you want to fool around with this)

INI's Needed:
'Your Hero'.ini *The hero you will be editing

To start of we must create a new arrow for the spell. Open the file goodfactionsubobjects.ini.

Now scroll down all the way and past this piece of code:

Object FaramirSpecialArrow
    ; *** ART Parameters ***
    Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_Draw
            Model = RULegolas_AROW
            ParticleSysBone NONE FaramirArrowTrail

            Animation                            = RULegolas_AROW
                AnimationName                = RULegolas_AROW.RULegolas_AROW
                AnimationMode                = LOOP

    ; *** AUDIO Parameters ***

    ; ***DESIGN parameters ***
    EditorSorting         = SYSTEM

        Armor = NoArmor

    VisionRange = 0.0

    ; *** ENGINEERING Parameters ***
    Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_02
        MaxHealth             = 100.0

    ;Behavior = DestroyDie ModuleTag_03

    ;    nothing

    Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_03
        SinkDelay = 0
        DestructionDelay = 250
    Behavior = BezierProjectileBehavior ModuleTag_04
        ; To tweak a Bezier path
        DetonateCallsKill            = Yes
        FirstHeight                    = 9                        ; Height of Bezier control points above highest intervening terrain
        SecondHeight                = 9
        FirstPercentIndent            = 20%                    ; Percentage of shot distance control points are placed
        SecondPercentIndent            = 90%
        FlightPathAdjustDistPerSecond = 50                     ; Can allow a max speed this can attempt to follow a target. Units are their velocity we can tag. (45 is default human speed)
        GroundHitFX                    = FX_WoundingArrowHit
        CurveFlattenMinDist            = 100.0

    Behavior = FXListDie ModuleTag_07
        DeathTypes = ALL
        DeathFX = FX_WoundingArrowHit

    Geometry = Sphere
    GeometryIsSmall = Yes
    GeometryMajorRadius = 0.8

At the moment it is just a copy of Faramir's Wound Arrow object, so we will start with renaming the arrow.

Object FaramirSpecialArrow

Because my hero is named Plaffie I will call the object:

Object PlaffieSpecialArrow

Next go to the end of the object and look at this piece of code:

    Behavior = FXListDie ModuleTag_07
        DeathTypes = ALL
        DeathFX = FX_WoundingArrowHit

Replace it with this piece of code:

    Behavior = FXListDie ModuleTag_07
        DeathTypes = ALL
        DeathFX = FX_GandalfPreAttackBlast ;This allows you to see the wop fx at the destruction of the arrow. Without this block there is no fx.

    Behavior = FireWeaponWhenDeadBehavior ModuleTag_07Weapon
        StartsActive = Yes ;No need to give an upgrade to let this happen.
        DeathWeapon = GandalfWordOfPower ; This tells what weapon must be fired, in this spell Word of Power.

The whole object should now look like this:

Object PlaffieSpecialArrow
    ; *** ART Parameters ***
    Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_Draw
            Model = RULegolas_AROW
            ParticleSysBone NONE FaramirArrowTrail

            Animation                            = RULegolas_AROW
                AnimationName                = RULegolas_AROW.RULegolas_AROW
                AnimationMode                = LOOP

    ; *** AUDIO Parameters ***

    ; ***DESIGN parameters ***
    EditorSorting         = SYSTEM

        Armor = NoArmor

    VisionRange = 0.0

    ; *** ENGINEERING Parameters ***
    Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_02
        MaxHealth             = 100.0

    ;Behavior = DestroyDie ModuleTag_03

    ;    nothing

    Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_03
        SinkDelay = 0
        DestructionDelay = 250
    Behavior = BezierProjectileBehavior ModuleTag_04
        ; To tweak a Bezier path
        DetonateCallsKill            = Yes
        FirstHeight                    = 9                        ; Height of Bezier control points above highest intervening terrain
        SecondHeight                = 9
        FirstPercentIndent            = 20%                    ; Percentage of shot distance control points are placed
        SecondPercentIndent            = 90%
        FlightPathAdjustDistPerSecond = 50                     ; Can allow a max speed this can attempt to follow a target. Units are their velocity we can tag. (45 is default human speed)
        GroundHitFX                    = FX_WoundingArrowHit
        CurveFlattenMinDist            = 100.0

    Behavior = FXListDie ModuleTag_07
        DeathTypes = ALL
        DeathFX = FX_GandalfPreAttackBlast ;This allows you to see the wop fx at the destruction of the arrow. Without this block there is no fx.

    Behavior = FireWeaponWhenDeadBehavior ModuleTag_07Weapon
        StartsActive = Yes ;No need to give an upgrade to let this happen.
        DeathWeapon = GandalfWordOfPower ; This tells what weapon must be fired, in this spell Word of Power.

    Geometry = Sphere
    GeometryIsSmall = Yes
    GeometryMajorRadius = 0.8

That's it for the Arrow object, next we will look at the Weapon.ini.


So now again we scroll all the way down, but now we paste this:


Weapon PlaffieSpecialArrow ; Arrow name has been changed so the game does not confuse it with Faramir's wound arrow.
    AttackRange                = FARAMIR_WOUNDING_ARROW_RANGE
    LeechRangeWeapon            = Yes
    WeaponSpeed                = 321                 ; dist/sec
    MinWeaponSpeed            = 241
    MaxWeaponSpeed            = 481            ; dist/sec Upper limit on scaling, when attacking past nominal "max" range
    FireFX                = FX_FaramirWoundingArrow
    ScaleWeaponSpeed            = Yes ; Used for lob weapons, scales speed proportional to range
    HitPercentage            = 100         ;When this weapon is used it will hit exactly 75% of the time.
    ScatterRadius            = 0.0         ;When this weapon misses it can randomly miss by as much as this distance.
    DelayBetweenShots            = 15000                                    ; time between shots, msec
    PreAttackDelay            = 1                                        ; we want isntant
    PreAttackType            = PER_POSITION
    FiringDuration            = 1                                        ; Duration of the archer firing shot is 500ms.
    ClipSize                = 1
    AutoReloadsClip            = Yes
    AutoReloadWhenIdle        = 1    
    AntiAirborneVehicle        = Yes
    AntiAirborneMonster        = Yes
    PreferredTargetBone        = B_LLLID ; Likes to shoot things in their left eye.
    ProjectileNugget                                        ; A Nugget that creates an Object and sends it to the target with a Warhead
        ProjectileTemplateName    = PlaffieSpecialArrow ; References the arrow object we just created.
        WarheadTemplateName    = PlaffieSpecialArrowWarhead ; References the warhead that actually gives damage.


Weapon PlaffieSpecialArrowWarhead ; The name of the arrow's warhead has been changed so the game does not confuse it with Faramir's arrow warhead.

    HitStoredTarget = Yes    ; Always hits initial target.

    DamageNugget ; A basic Nugget that just does damage
        DamageScalar = 10% NONE +STRUCTURE +MordorCatapult +IsengardBallista +GondorTrebuchet +GondorTrebuchetWall
        DamageScalar = 300% NONE +MordorFellBeast +MordorWitchKingOnFellBeast +GondorGwaihir
        DamageScalar = 150% NONE +MordorMountainTroll +MordorCaveTroll +MordorDrummerTroll
        DamageScalar = 200% NONE +RohanTreeBerd +RohanEntFir +RohanEntBirch +RohanEntFir_Summoned +RohanEntBirch_Summoned
        Radius = 0.0    ; HitStoredTarget means we hurt the person we launched at. And nobody else. So a miss hurts nobody.
        DelayTime = 0
        DamageType = HERO
        DamageFXType = GOOD_ARROW_PIERCE
        DeathType = NORMAL
; ;
    DamageNugget ; A basic Nugget that just does damage
        Radius = 0.0    ; HitStoredTarget means we hurt the person we launched at. And nobody else. So a miss hurts nobody.
        DelayTime = 0
        DamageType = CAVALRY
        DamageFXType = REFLECTED ; ;
        DeathType = EXPLODED
        SpecialObjectFilter    = NONE +HERO -MONSTER

        EmotionType            = TERROR
        Radius                = 0
        Duration            = 5
        SpecialObjectFilter    = ANY ENEMIES +MONSTER


I have commented what I have edited from the original Faramir Wound Arrow. Next we will open the 'Your Hero'.ini.

'Your Hero'.ini
Scroll the special power section and paste this:

    Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_UnpauseWoundArrow
        SpecialPowerTemplate        = SpecialAbilityWoundArrow
        TriggeredBy                    = (Fill in the upgrade that activates the special power here, for more info on this check preceding tutorials.)
    Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_WoundArrow
        SpecialPowerTemplate        = SpecialAbilityWoundArrow
        UpdateModuleStartsAttack    = Yes
    InitiateSound                = FaramirRangerVoiceWoundingArrow
    StartsPaused                = Yes
    Behavior = WeaponFireSpecialAbilityUpdate ModuleTag_WoundArrowUpdate
        SpecialPowerTemplate        = SpecialAbilityWoundArrow
        SkipContinue                = Yes
        UnpackTime                    = 2000
        PreparationTime                = 1
        PersistentPrepTime            = 1000
        PackTime                    = 1
        AwardXPForTriggering        = 0
        StartAbilityRange            = #SUBTRACT( FARAMIR_WOUNDING_ARROW_RANGE 25 )
        ApproachRequiresLOS            = Yes
        SpecialWeapon                = PlaffieSpecialArrow ; References to the weapon we made earlier.
        WhichSpecialWeapon            = 1
    Behavior = AutoAbilityBehavior ModuleTag_WoundArrowAutoAbility
        SpecialAbility                = SpecialAbilityWoundArrow
        MaxScanRange                = #SUBTRACT( FARAMIR_WOUNDING_ARROW_RANGE 25 )
        Query                        = 1 ALL ENEMIES -STRUCTURE

I have commented what I have edited. Remember that problems may occure if the hero already has Wounding Arrow as a power. Now you only have to add Command_SpecialAbilityWoundArrow to the hero's commandset.

That's all for this tutorial, if you uncover a mistake in this tutorial or fool around further you can always contact me for help.

Links / Downloads

Throwing Knife, Premade (Credit Required)1309August 19, 2009 - 2:17
Weapons Tutorial, by Ridder Geel1559May 6, 2009 - 2:11


Display order: Newest first | Page: 1, 2

clank234 - Tuesday November 16, 2010 - 12:41

I gave a 5
1) A lot off effort just to help others which i love to see a lot.
2) Can i hav some help with Summon Balrog, when i try to play it crashes and the upgrade.ini isnt right

Ridder Blauw - Monday August 23, 2010 - 6:05

That means the thing that is filled in at Attackrange in the weapon is wrong.

Or the macro there doesnt exsist or the characters filled in are wrong.

SkillModLord - Friday August 20, 2010 - 0:02


That part where you combine woundarrow with Word of Power goes wrong.

When I put the piece of code you written there in my weapon.ini and correct it as you said, I try to start up the game and it says that attacktange in the file weapon.ini isnt good. I try to put other command first under the wounding arrow but then the the same bug appears with the new command first :S

Shininku - Sunday September 13, 2009 - 18:53

This was pretty awesome guide and it helped me to fix up my powers. But I think I need help. I've set up my hero so that he can summon a BlackRider (Ringwraith w/e) at level 10. When my character gets to level 10, Blackrider icon lights up like it's usable. But when I click it, nothing happens. I don't get the little summoning area thing. What'd I do wrong?

Ridder Blauw - Friday September 11, 2009 - 10:02


drogoth232 - Wednesday September 9, 2009 - 14:07

In the coding part. Will sam have the throwing anims?

Ridder Blauw - Wednesday August 19, 2009 - 8:34

That's modeling and coding. ;)


Added a Two Part tutorial to continue the Editing Projectile Spells tutorial, New Projectile Spells! ;):);)

Spartan184 - Wednesday June 24, 2009 - 18:09

I tryed adding Summon Balrog to Saruman and it crashed its for bfme1.
Nevermind Fixed it. Thanks a lot UR THE BEST!!!
For the Gimli thing for instead of haveing a axe he has a Spear can we change the weopen like say sarumans staff or something?

Ridder Blauw - Sunday May 10, 2009 - 22:26

The code calls them dozers in the code block DOZER_CONSTRUCT don't they?


Didn't get at first why you brought it up, so would you forgive me.
And thanks.

Prolong - Sunday May 10, 2009 - 19:57

DOZERs are Builder/Porters

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