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Avatar of Radspakr Wolfbane

Radspakr Wolfbane

Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Friday March 12, 2010 - 4:19
Updated: Friday March 12, 2010 - 4:28
Views: 5647
Summary: A short tutorial teaching you how to add a Radiance (damage dealing aura) ability to a hero.


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First paste this into your hero's code and adjust names where needed.


Behavior = FireWeaponUpdate ModuleTag_radi;radiance
Weapon = GurgukRadianceWeapon

The FireWeaponUpdate code isn't used much for BFME but is used for the Balrog's Ingnite spell.
It does exactly what it says in the name it fires a weapon.

Next go to weapon.ini and paste the following.


Weapon GurgukRadianceWeapon
RadiusDamageAffects = ENEMIES NEUTRALS
DamageFieldNugget ; A Nugget that lays down an area of damage that persists independantly
WeaponTemplateName = GurgukRadianceFieldWeapon
Duration = 3000



Weapon GurgukRadianceFieldWeapon
RadiusDamageAffects = ENEMIES NEUTRALS
DelayBetweenShots = 500 ; time between shots, msec
;FireFX = FX_GurgukRadiance
DamageNugget ; A basic Nugget that just does damage
Damage = 1
Radius = 100.0
DelayTime = 0
DamageType = HERO
DeathType = NORMAL

The first weapon is the damage field,this is what gives it it's aura and also the DOT effect.
It basically pulses in an area and fires off the second weapon.
This code is used very little in BMFE it used only for the Catapult weapon from memory.

OK the second weapon is the damage dealer.
Here you can set the damage dealt,damage type etc.
Theoretically you could add in extras to this part of the code like a knockback or AttributeModifierNugget.
I haven't tried as yet and adding these would just be unsporting for the enemy :p

Some notes on the Radiance.
First this ability is passive just like a leadership.
I'm working on a way to have it trigger like a standard ability like Blademaster.

Second at the moment there is no way to set this ability to a level like other abilities.
Triggeredby and StartsPaused codes crash the game.
The FireWeaponUpdate is rather limited unfortunately so if you happen to find a suitable way around this please let me know.
Also adding in the SpecialPowerTemplate code also crashes the game.
The most you can add is this

HeroModeTrigger = Yes

This used by the Balrog and basically triggers when hero mode is active.
From my research simply triggering Hero through an attribute modifier doesn't work but a normal hero mode spell might.
(I haven't tried as yet)

In conclusion I would like to thank you for reading this mini-tut and I hoped you got something from it.
Remember to rate this article and comment if you have questions.

Soon I will have another more in depth tutorial covering various different special powers.
There will be a section that will follow on from this.


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modboy451 - Thursday November 11, 2010 - 15:16

Couldn'y you do this with a negative leadership (attributemodfier)
and set it to:
Modifier            = HEALTH_MULT    80%
(or whatever % you want it to)

Just wondering
your way is pretty easy...nice article 3/5

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