The 3rd Age

Master Hero Mod 2.0

Master Hero Mod 2.0

MasterHero Mod : Enhances Visuals, provide series of modifications and additions to the game play

Button for The 3rd AgeButton for The Dwarf HoldsButton for The Elven AllianceButton for Helm's Deep Last HopeButton for GothmogtheOrcButton for BFME+Button for The Four AgesButton for HDR HeadquartersButton for Middle Earth CenterButton for Project Perfect Mod

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Adding heroes to your new faction... Easy Peasy

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Category: Code
Level: Beginner
Created: Saturday October 30, 2010 - 7:07
Updated: Saturday October 30, 2010 - 7:34
Views: 6872
Summary: Adding new or existing heroes to your new faction or one of the games's existing factions


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Open up ini.big and inside that find data\ini\playertemplate.ini:
Look for this bit of code

PlayerTemplate FactionElves
    Side         = Elves
    PlayableSide         = Yes                ; Please note: the presence of "SIDE:Elves" in the string file is what makes this appear in MP as a playable side. And the skirmish scripts are what actually make it function.
    Evil                 = No
    StartMoney         = 0
    PreferredColor            = R:43 G:150 B:179
    StartingBuilding        = ElvenFortress
    ;------------- NO STARTING UNITS FOR YOU -------
    ;StartingUnit0             = ElvenLorienArcherHorde
    ;StartingUnitOffset0         = X:-70 Y:220 Z:0
    StartingUnit1             = ElvenPorter
    StartingUnitOffset1         = X:30 Y:250 Z:0
    StartingUnit0             = ElvenPorter
    StartingUnitOffset0         = X:1 Y:160 Z:0
    StartingUnitTacticalWOTR    = ElvenPorter
    StartingUnitTacticalWOTR    = ElvenPorter
    IntrinsicSciences        = SCIENCE_GOOD
    IntrinsicSciencesMP         = SCIENCE_ELVES
    SpellBook            = GoodSpellBook
    SpellBookMp            = ElvesSpellBook
    PurchaseScienceCommandSet    = GoodSpellStoreCommandSet
    PurchaseScienceCommandSetMP    = ElvesSpellStoreCommandSet
    DisplayName            = INI:FactionElves
    DefaultPlayerAIType        = ElvesSkirmishAI        ; Needs to exist before I can change it.
    BeaconName            = MultiplayerBeacon
    LightPointsUpSound        = GondorLightPointsUp
    ObjectiveAddedSound        = Gui_MissionObjectiveNew
    ObjectiveCompletedSound        = Gui_MissionObjectiveCompleted
    InitialUpgrades            = Upgrade_ElfFaction        ; Any upgrades this player template is born with.

    // NOTE: It is very important that the create-a-hero be the first buildable hero, to ensure that the create-a-hero and the ring hero are always
    // attached to the first two buttons in the command set.

BuildableHeroesMP        = CreateAHero ElvenHaldir ElvenGlorfindel ElvenArwen ElvenLegolas ElvenThranduil ElvenElrond
    BuildableRingHeroesMP        = ElvenGaladriel_RingHero
    SpellStoreCurrentPowerLabel     = APT:SpellStoreCurrentEvenstarPower
    SpellStoreMaximumPowerLabel     = APT:SpellStoreMaximumEvenstarPower
    ResourceModifierObjectFilter     = RESOURCE_MODIFIER_OBJECT_FILTER
    ResourceModifierValues        = 100 100 100 100 90 85 80 75 71 68 66
    MultiSelectionPortrait        = UPElvenArmy
    LoadScreenMusic            = Shell2MusicForLoadScreen

For this tutorial we will be looking at this part:

    BuildableHeroesMP        = CreateAHero ElvenHaldir ElvenGlorfindel ElvenArwen ElvenLegolas ElvenThranduil ElvenElrond

This shows the buildable heroes for skirmish mode.
If we want to add Aragorn, on the end of the line put:


It should then look like this:

    BuildableHeroesMP        = CreateAHero ElvenHaldir ElvenGlorfindel ElvenArwen ElvenLegolas ElvenThranduil ElvenElrond GondorAragorn

Save FinalBig or whatever you are using and then go onto the game and Aragorn should now be a usable hero.



Dark_Lord's_Modder; Everything


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clank234 - Saturday November 27, 2010 - 17:05

gd but u forgot 1 thing, u need to add an extra revive slot to the fortress or else u wont see him until u buy a hero ;)

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