The 3rd Age

Master Hero Version 1.6

Master Hero Version 1.6

1.6 of Master Hero Version ROTWK Mod for Battle for Middle Earth 2: Rise of the Witch King

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Cloud of Darkness and FreezingRain!

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth BFME, Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2

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Category: Code
Level: Beginner
Created: Thursday March 22, 2012 - 13:03
Updated: Thursday March 22, 2012 - 16:35
Views: 5282


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2 votes

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!WARNING! this file from bfme1 and if you wanna chage him in bfme2 or rotwk don't change original full file to this!
BUT, what do I change the game suitable for all bfme.


;FILE: Weather.ini (System)

SnowEnabled = yes ; enable/disable snow on the map.
IsSnowing = no ; is it snowing today?

SnowTexture = EXRainDrop.tga ; texture used for each snow particle.

SnowBoxHeight = 300 ; height from which snow falls
SnowSpacing = 30 ; snow spacing -- less means more
NumberTiles = 4

SnowAmplitude = 0 ; amount of side-to-side movement.
SnowFrequencyScaleX = 0 ; speed of side-to-side wave movement.
SnowFrequencyScaleY = 0 ; speed of side-to-side wave movement.

SnowSpeed = 250.0 ; speed at which snow falls

SnowPointSize = 5 ; scale the size of snow particles.
SnowMinPointSize = 40 ; min point size
SnowMaxPointSize = 80 ; max point size

; Some video cards can't do hardware accelerated particles. Set this
; setting to "no" in order see what emulation will look like. Use the
; SnowQuadSize setting to make it look similar to PointSprite version.;;;

SnowPointSprites = no ; set to "no" for point-sprite emulation.
SnowQuadSize = 10 ; scale the size of snow particles when using point-sprite emulation.

; Lightning stuff
LightningEnabled = no ; enable/disable lightning
LightningFactor = 0.5 1.0 ; flash amount (0, 1) -- make drops brighter by this much
LightningDuration = 50 ; how long the lightning lasts
LightningChance = 0.05 ; chance of lightning (0, 1)

; Spell stuff
SpellEnabled = yes ; enable/disable spell
SpellDuration = 500 ; duration of spell

; Ramp stuff
RampControl = X:0.2 Y:0.8 ; ramp fade in and out points (0, 1) relative to spell duration
RampSpeed = X:50.0 Y:350.0 ; ramp min and max speed
RampSpacing = X:100.0 Y:60.0 ; ramp min and max rain spacing ; less means more rain

; Data about how to show various types of weather
WeatherData RAINY
    WeatherSound = RainStereoLoop
    HasLightning = Yes

    WeatherSound = RainStereoLoop
    HasLightning = Yes

WeatherData SUNNY
    HasLightning = No

WeatherData CLOUDY
    HasLightning = No ; Lightning for rain only. Bug #9644

; ??? Nothing specified????
WeatherData NONE

WE NEED change only this:


SnowSpacing = 30 ; snow spacing -- less means more

SnowAmplitude = 0 ; amount of side-to-side movement.
SnowFrequencyScaleX = 0 ; speed of side-to-side wave movement.
SnowFrequencyScaleY = 0 ; speed of side-to-side wave movement.

; Lightning stuff
LightningEnabled = no ; enable/disable lightning
LightningFactor = 0.5 1.0 ; flash amount (0, 1) -- make drops brighter by this much
LightningDuration = 50 ; how long the lightning lasts
LightningChance = 0.05 ; chance of lightning (0, 1)

RampSpacing = X:100.0 Y:60.0 ; ramp min and max rain spacing ; less means more rain

Begin to change:


SnowSpacing = 2 ; 30 ; snow spacing -- less means more

I think rain is better quality if you add a little range of motion:


LightningEnabled = yes ; no ; enable/disable lightning
LightningFactor = 0.8 1.0 ; 0.5 1.0 ; flash amount (0, 1) -- make drops brighter by this much
LightningDuration = 150 ;50 ; how long the lightning lasts
LightningChance = 0.75 ;0.05 ; chance of lightning (0, 1)

AND most important for a good rainfall:


RampSpacing = X:7.0 Y:7.0 ; X:100.0 Y:60.0 ; ramp min and max rain spacing ; less means more rain

Links / Downloads

best my texture_2(example)1090March 22, 2012 - 16:35
best my texture(example)1013March 22, 2012 - 16:34
best my texture(need delete "_4")922March 22, 2012 - 16:11
original exdarkcloudc (need delete"_original")899March 22, 2012 - 13:54
the texture of the clouds in my screenshot981March 22, 2012 - 13:50
New Rain(without new cloud effect)(example)1197March 22, 2012 - 13:11
Old rain(example)1133March 22, 2012 - 13:10
second screenshot(example)1165March 22, 2012 - 13:09
first screenshot(example)1189March 22, 2012 - 13:09

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