The 3rd Age

BFME Nostalgia Mod

BFME Nostalgia Mod

Play as BFME 1 gameplay in BFME2

Button for The 3rd AgeButton for The Dwarf HoldsButton for The Elven AllianceButton for Helm's Deep Last HopeButton for GothmogtheOrcButton for BFME+Button for The Four AgesButton for HDR HeadquartersButton for Middle Earth CenterButton for Project Perfect Mod

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extended map.ini coding

Avatar of -SilverBane-


Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Thursday May 28, 2015 - 16:08
Updated: Sunday May 31, 2015 - 10:20
Views: 6441
Summary: A tutorial for those who want to make heavily customized maps, but modders might find tricks too!


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Some adivces and tricks you might need and are good to know:

1) Command button image trick

You have noticed this code on page 5 and I've told you it changes the image of the commandbutton:


MappedImage BCFarm
;Texture = BuildingRadialButtons_076.tga
Texture = HeroUI_004.tga
TextureWidth = 256
TextureHeight = 256
Coords = Left:192 Top:128 Right:256 Bottom:192
Status = NONE

Well, to change the image shown on a commandbutton, just find his used mappedimage, and replace the texture used with another one existing in game (check game art, you must extract that one too with FinalBig),
then with the cameo mapper link I gave to you on first page, find the coordinates you want for your commandbutton.

2) I mentioned a modeling program on first page, well it's useful to have one around because you can easily find the bones of an object if you open his model in a modeling program.

3) I have told you that you can have more than 6 buttons in a commandset, but they won't show on palantir. If it's a building you can make them show radial, you can have up to 33 commandbuttons in a commandset.
But, if you want for a hero to have more than 6 powers? Well, just add on slot 7 the power, it will be there but it's only possible to activate it using it's shortcut, wich you must define in map.STR

4) You can actually get rid of AddModule stuff, if you're using a ChildObject. Like this:


Object GondorFaramir

ChildObject MordorGothmog GondorFaramir

    Body = RespawnBody ModuleTag_RespawnBody
        CheerRadius             = EMOTION_CHEER_RADIUS
        MaxHealth         = 2900    ;BALANCE Faramir Health
        PermanentlyKilledByFilter    = NONE        ;Who kills me permanently?
        DodgePercent         = HERO_DODGE_PERCENT


This means if you place on map (or create) a mordor gothmog object, it will be EXACTLY the same as faramir, but with more health.
It is useful when you make a map with many heroes, take one hero with few powers as a mother object, and then make childobjects based on him and modify just what you need.
*I have learnt this from Crusard

5) Increasing the damage of a ranged weapon

We all hate this, that you cannot edit warheads in a map.ini

But there are 2 ways you can change the damage of a ranged weapon.

a) the simple one: just add an attribute modifier to the unit wich increases/reduces his damage, if the unit toggles weapons it's possible to make it active when only one is active

But this is many times insuficient.... What if you want to make a grenade, lets say..... an arrow that just deals more damage is not a grenade.... if you want knockback effect, special FX'ses and unique damage nuggets...
You need to use the way b!

b)the hard one: You need to find a ranged weapon wich is NOT used in your map, and it's projectile MUST ALSO BE UNIQUE.

I will take as example HobbitRockThrow, wich is converted in a lance storm ability in one of my maps:

First take the ranged weapon and edit it's parameters to your desires. Also remember the projectile used.


Weapon HobbitRockThrow ; BALANCE HARADRUIN arrowstorm weapon -lancestorm

WeaponSpeed = 350
MinWeaponSpeed = 250
MaxWeaponSpeed = 450
FireFX = FX_HaradrimSpearThrow ;FX_RohanArcherBowWeapon
HitPercentage = 100 ;When this weapon is used it will hit exactly all of the time.

        ProjectileTemplateName = HobbitRockProjectile ; i've added a fireweaponwhendeadbehavior for this object so it deals more damage than a tiny rock xD
        WarheadTemplateName = HobbitRockThrowWarhead

Now create a warhead wich must be the extra damage and effects added. For me it's the following:


Weapon LancewindWarhead

HitStoredTarget = Yes    ;
DamageNugget ; A basic Nugget that just does damage
Damage = 250 ; a whole lot of damage
DamageScalar = 120% NONE +ARCHER +CAVALARY
DamageScalar = 80% NONE +HERO
Radius = 0.0
DelayTime = 0
AcceptDamageAdd = No ; this means the attributemodifier i've gave him for extra damage doesnt affects this

DamageNugget ; A basic Nugget that just does damage
Damage = 1 ; just for fx
DamageScalar = 120% NONE +ARCHER +CAVALARY
DamageScalar = 80% NONE +HERO
Radius = 0.0
DelayTime = 0
DamageType = MAGIC ;
DamageFXType = MAGIC
DeathType = NORMAL
AcceptDamageAdd = No ; this means the attributemodifier i've gave him for extra damage doesnt affects this

Now, find his projectile in goodfactionsubobjects.INI and edit it to look how you want, and then at the end add the FireWeaponWhenDeadBehavior module. (wich makes this object fire a weapon when he dies = more damage)


Object HobbitRockProjectile

RemoveModule ModuleTag_Draw

Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_DrawNEW
Model = HrdrmLance ;PRHOBBITSTONE

    Behavior = CreateObjectDie ModuleTag_ProjectileBits
        DeathTypes = ALL
        CreationList = OCL_MordorLanceProjectileBits

ReplaceModule ModuleTag_06
    Behavior = FXListDie ModuleTag_NewDeathFx
        DeathTypes = ALL -CRUSHED -SPLATTED
        DeathFX = FX_HaradrimSpearImpact            ;FX_GondorArrowDeath

ReplaceModule ModuleTag_Draw2
Draw = W3DStreakDraw ModuleTag_Draw2New
     Length        = 45
     Width        = 1
     NumSegments    = 6                ; number of segements in the streak, increase for smoother line
     Color        = R:105 G:48 B:255
     Texture        = EXLightStreaks2.tga

Behavior = FireWeaponWhenDeadBehavior ModuleTag_ExtraSpearDamage
StartsActive = Yes
DeathWeapon = LancewindWarhead


That's how you turn a small rock into a spear xD
Remember that once you have added FireWeaponWhenDeadBehavior to that projectile, ALL weapons that use that projectile will deal that extra damage. That is why you can't have many customized ranged weapons in a map.ini


I hope you enjoyed my tutorial, I know it was very long and not even complete, but I hope it helped you increasing your modding skills :D
If you've got any questions, feel free to ask in the comments and I will try to reply as soon as possible.

Special thanks for my first mentor, s33mann. He got me the basics of modding.
Also thanks Crusard. I have learned a lot from his map Legends.

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