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Interview with the Rhovanion Alliance Team

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth BFME

Avatar of ched


Category: Other
Level: N/A
Created: Tuesday November 20, 2007 - 8:21
Updated: Tuesday November 20, 2007 - 11:13
Views: 3515
Summary: The interview with the team behind the Rhovanion Alliance modification for BfME1


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Gameplay for other factions

Are all the factions are planned to be played differently, and if so, are they strategically changed much from their normal forms to encourage this diversity? For example, is Gondor still an all-around faction or Mordor still a spam faction?
ched: Harad is an example of faction that will have a very unique gameplay style, if we achieve our original plans. I'm not going to reveal too much, so as to avoid frustration in case we fail to achieve coding the concepts, but it implies a lot of mobility and hit-and-run tactics.
Nertea: The factions tend to stick to their original BFME concepts with some modifications: Gondor is an all-around faction with powerful infantry and access to a variety of minifactions. Mordor is a spam faction, though now has access to far more powerful troops in the late game with their minifactions. At that point they will rely on a core of elites and monsters to support the various Orcs they have access to. Isengard is the opposite - they start with powerful elites and can supplement them with weak, cheap troops and some monsters. Mirkwood is a faction built for ranged dominance and battlefield control, though they can handle a variety of situations and probably have the best troops in the game - for a price. Rohan will be built even more around cavalry than before, but will have access to highly specialized infantry and Ents. Dale will be an economic powerhouse with great troop selection and versatility, being able to adapt on the field to new situations as well as drawing in a great range of troops.

Which faction do you think will be the easiest to play?
ched: It really depends on your gameplay style. Campers will love Erebor and its nigh impenetrable walls while others will adore Mirkwood for the sneakiness of its troops.
Nertea: That's hard to say at this moment. Gondor and Dale will likely be very flexible and therefore you will be able to make mistakes without penalty. I can probably say that Mirkwood will be the hardest to play, due to pricy troops and base fragility

What other factions have you really worked on?
ched: In the current beta, which is version 0,21 if you really care, Mirkwood, Gondor and Mordor are close to completion, and under heavy testing to iron out the last few bugs, while Harad and Erebor are both being worked on.
Nertea: The ones we have made the most progress in are Erebor, Gondor, Mordor, Mirkwood and Harad, but Isengard is getting there too

When you are working on a faction, what is your general goal?
Cahik: to finish all anims that we need :P
ched: As a coder, and also as beta coordinator, I focus on gathering all the elements in one single beta before I spread it out on the server. It's about coding the main elements and fixing bugs as they are found.
Nertea: The general goal I work towards is an update, or "finish this component". For example I've been working on Erebor buildings for what seems like an eternity now

Links / Downloads

Rhovanion Alliance Website1364November 20, 2007 - 9:01


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Garrison Nomad - Wednesday November 21, 2007 - 16:17

wowww.....i understand everything now. noice.

Bebbe - Wednesday November 21, 2007 - 6:00

Nice interview :)

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