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Interview with the Rhovanion Alliance Team

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth BFME

Avatar of ched


Category: Other
Level: N/A
Created: Tuesday November 20, 2007 - 8:21
Updated: Tuesday November 20, 2007 - 11:13
Views: 3515
Summary: The interview with the team behind the Rhovanion Alliance modification for BfME1


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General mod info

T3A doesn't have many mods with large teams, how does your team operate? Do you concentrate more on contributions or assignments?
Dain: We generally do what we want to/what needs doing. Sometimes getting what needs doing involves me beating people with a stick
m@tt: I work on whatever map I want to from my long list.
ched: This mod is a great adventure for all of us.
None of the original team members are still actively working on the project, and we've had to deal with loss of motivations, discouragements.
What's more, working with a team of people from all around the world is very hard to coordinate and synchronise. Communication is key to our success so far, with some invaluable help from some tools (SVN :D)
Nertea: Everybody tends to do what they want within their own skillset. Sometimes people isolate their work to one faction (I know I have), others tend to work cross-boundaries, for example in animation (we only have 2 animators as compared to 4 or so modelers/skinners).

Do you guys get more work done than you show us in your weekly teasers? And how does this behind-the-scenes concept affect the mod?
m@tt: There are many many maps that haven't been shown yet, mainly because I've been downloading the best maps already available from the BFME community.
Nertea: Oh, of course. Even if it isn't really showoffable, there is stuff - we tend not to display the intricately designed banner carriers we do, for example. The peeks do allow us to show off stuff we're proud of though, so they're good (though sometimes we do scramble to find something 'appropriate')

It seems that Rhovanion Alliance has opted for quality over quantity quite substantially, how has this affected the mod and the team?
m@tt: Means we go slowly. But we are each our biggest critics, so we just wouldn't be satisfied with ourselves if we churned out work that is nowhere near out potential.
Nertea: It makes things go really slowly. I used to spend 2-3 hours tops on a texture, these days I spend around 8-10. However, even if it will never be seen I think that it is worth it.

Many players have been waiting for a playable taste of this mod for quite some time, why isn't it the policy of the team to release public betas like some other more open-ended mods?
m@tt: Because the beta is too buggy :P
ched: From a coding point of view, this would imply a great overhaul in the way we work.
At the moment the coding is pretty non-organised, with me and my fellow coders working freely on elements as they come.
Releasing betas would imply rushes to fix tons (no exaggeration) of bugs, and hinder the overall progression of the mod as we stop working on other factions. And to be honest, I have enough with the bugs report my fellow team workers bring me on a daily basis :)
Nertea: blarg

When the mod is released, do you plan to move on to other things, or are you going to continue to support it?
Cahik: i think that i personally will stay around for while, running few tournaments, playing some games and such.
m@tt: Fortress maps and campaign, though at the rate I'm going there should be an extended campaign in the first release.
ched: I do not have plans to move on to another mod, being it a sequel or a port to BfME2.
When I look at how many bugs I manage to create, I know I'll end up ensuring a support for the mod, and release patches once in a while.
Nertea: I'm gone. There's usually not much art to do in terms of patches, though if there are problems I suppose I'll have to fix them

Links / Downloads

Rhovanion Alliance Website1363November 20, 2007 - 9:01


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Garrison Nomad - Wednesday November 21, 2007 - 16:17

wowww.....i understand everything now. noice.

Bebbe - Wednesday November 21, 2007 - 6:00

Nice interview :)

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