The 3rd Age

Bodies Stay Sub-mod Compilation

Bodies Stay Sub-mod Compilation

These are several submods, which make bodies stay.

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Ping Power

Avatar of Radspakr Wolfbane

Radspakr Wolfbane

Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Wednesday March 31, 2010 - 6:49
Updated: Wednesday March 31, 2010 - 6:55
Views: 5955
Summary: A tutorial that will show how to code some cool abilities using pings.


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This first part I'll be using the Radiance ability from my Radiance tutorial to create a spell that freezes enemies in place and does damage
over time till the spell runs out.
In Lone Wolf mod this ability is Ring of Shadows or ROS for short.
This is what I'll refer to this ability as from here on.

First you need your ping


Object ShadowRingPing

EvaEnemyUnitSightedEvent = None ; Not a real unit

; ***DESIGN parameters ***
VisionRange = 75.0
EditorSorting = SYSTEM
ThreatLevel = 0
; *** ENGINEERING Parameters ***
Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_01
MaxHealth = 999999
InitialHealth = 999999

;;; ???? I don't think this works right -- shouldn't it be a DeletionUpdate?
;;; LifetimeUpdate can't kill ImmortalBody
Behavior = LifetimeUpdate ModuleTag_LifetimeUpdate
MinLifetime = 20000
MaxLifetime = 20000


This ping is very basic and only reveals the a small area and runs out after a while.

Next we need to add the Attribute modifier to create a negative leadership to pin the units in place.
(For more on Negative leaderships check out my tutorial)


; Gives ally trrops bonus
Behavior = AttributeModifierAuraUpdate ModuleTag_TroopBonus
StartsActive = Yes ;If no, requires upgrade to turn on.
BonusName = ShadowRing
RefreshDelay = 3000
Range = 100
TargetEnemy = Yes

This effects all infantry,heroes and cavalry caught in a 100 range of the centre of the spell and stops them from going anywhere.
Just paste this in under the LifetimeUpdate.

Next is the Radiance ability.
I won't show how to code that here so check out the Radiance tutorial for the rest of this part.
Paste the following under the AttributeModifierAuraUpdate part.


Behavior = FireWeaponUpdate ModuleTag_radi;radiance
Weapon = GurgukRadianceWeapon

This is all very simple next head over to AttributeModifier.ini
and put something like the following


ModifierList ShadowRing
Modifier = SPEED 0% ; multiplier - 0% means max speed is 0. jba
Duration = 3000 ;WARNING if you change this you must change the system life of the FX below (FXList.ini)
ClearModelCondition = MOVING ; Make him stop moving... NOW!
;FX = FX_yourfx

This basically has the same effect as Lurtz' cripple.

Now just add the ping to a OCLSpecialPower in the hero's/spell store's code.
Which I'm sure you can figure out yourself.

In my version I added in some FX but you can make your own.
Pings can have drawmodules just like other units.

This is the first part and the simplest example of ping coding but creates a cool spell.
In Part 2 I will show you how to code the Avenge the King power from my mod.
So head on over to page 3.

Links / Downloads

Negative Leadership - by Radspakr1115March 31, 2010 - 6:54
Radiance Tutorial - by Radspakr1105March 31, 2010 - 6:53


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forshire - Wednesday September 22, 2010 - 19:36

I am glad about that, these shit codes doesnt work on EA server. otherwise everyone will use cheats.

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