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Ping Power

Avatar of Radspakr Wolfbane

Radspakr Wolfbane

Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Wednesday March 31, 2010 - 6:49
Updated: Wednesday March 31, 2010 - 6:55
Views: 5955
Summary: A tutorial that will show how to code some cool abilities using pings.


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Avenge the king.

The following is an autotrigger power.
An autotrigger power does what it says in the name it auto triggers when a certain event has occured in this case it's when
Thranduil dies.

Here's what will happen.
When Thranduil has breathed his last breath Aegalen (the hero with the power in this example) gets bummed out about it and gains an attack boost.

and here's how the power will work.
Thranduil triggers and ocl upon his death,the OCL spawns a ping.
The ping has a super large range covering the entire map.
The ping triggers a special ability for Aegalen.

First go to the King's code.


Behavior = CreateObjectDie ModuleTag_MakeAegalenMad
CreationList = OCL_AvengetheKing

Paste this somewhere under the SlowDeathBehavior Module
This is pretty simple when he dies her spawns the OCL.

Now head to objectcreationlist.ini
Paste the following pretty straight forward.


ObjectCreationList OCL_AvengetheKing
ObjectNames = AvengetheKingPing
Count = 1

Next we code the Ping.


Object AvengetheKingPing

EvaEnemyUnitSightedEvent = None ; Not a real unit

; ***DESIGN parameters ***
VisionRange = 500.0
EditorSorting = SYSTEM
ThreatLevel = 0
; *** ENGINEERING Parameters ***
Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_01
MaxHealth = 999999
InitialHealth = 999999

;;; ???? I don't think this works right -- shouldn't it be a DeletionUpdate?
;;; LifetimeUpdate can't kill ImmortalBody
Behavior = LifetimeUpdate ModuleTag_LifetimeUpdate
MinLifetime = 40000
MaxLifetime = 40000

Behavior = AttributeModifierAuraUpdate ModuleTag_Leadership2
StartsActive = Yes
BonusName = AvengetheKing
RefreshDelay = 2000
Range = 999999
AllowSelf = No
ObjectFilter = NONE +Aegalen


This is a basic ping with an attmod attached.
The attmod has a huge range and only targets Aegalen.
It will last as long as the ping does.

Finally go the attributemodifier.ini and paste your attmod.


ModifierList AvengetheKing
Modifier = SPEED 130%
Modifier = ARMOR 80%
Modifier = DAMAGE_MULT 200%
Duration = 2000 ; lasts for 30 seconds
ModelCondition = USER_2

As you can see Aegalen gets rather strong during this ability.
The USER_2 condition is for the spell FX so nothing special there.

So there you go 2 simple examples of ping power coding.
Simple but effective ways of coding new abilities.
Combine ping coding with other types of coding techniques such as using Lua to create more inventive abilities.
I will expand on this later with some other examples.

Links / Downloads

Negative Leadership - by Radspakr1114March 31, 2010 - 6:54
Radiance Tutorial - by Radspakr1104March 31, 2010 - 6:53


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forshire - Wednesday September 22, 2010 - 19:36

I am glad about that, these shit codes doesnt work on EA server. otherwise everyone will use cheats.

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