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Ping Power

Avatar of Radspakr Wolfbane

Radspakr Wolfbane

Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Wednesday March 31, 2010 - 6:49
Updated: Wednesday March 31, 2010 - 6:55
Views: 5958
Summary: A tutorial that will show how to code some cool abilities using pings.


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2 votes

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Part 1

I am writing a series/multi part tutorial covering one of my favourite things in coding.
The ping.

This is intended as a simple tutorial to show some examples of the things that can be done with pings.
It is my hope that you'll come away thinking about the ways you can use this to create really cool powers instead of simple
Blademaster abilities.

(The next bit is for beginners so if you have solid skills and know about pings feel free to skip this next part and head to page 2)
What is a ping you ask?
Well sit down young man and I shall tell you a story so vivid and real you'll feel like you are there :p

Pings are essentially fake units.
They have different names for different games but EA seemed to call them pings.
Pings are what make powers like Palantir Vision and Heal work.

I'll use Palantir Vision as an example-
How the power works is the power spawns an OCL which spawns a ping.
Shown below

This ping is invisible and has a timer and a vision range.
So when this spawns it reveals the target area.
As of patch 1.02 (or 1.03 I can't remember which one) they added an AttributeModifierAuraUpdate
which gives the units their speed boost,they also generously threw in a stealth revealer.

The heal spell also uses a ping to replenish hordes with new members using a similar code to the well.


Object PalantirVisionPing

EvaEnemyUnitSightedEvent = None ; Not a real unit

; ***DESIGN parameters ***
VisionRange = 300.0
EditorSorting = SYSTEM
ThreatLevel = 0
; *** ENGINEERING Parameters ***
Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_01
MaxHealth = 999999
InitialHealth = 999999

;;; ???? I don't think this works right -- shouldn't it be a DeletionUpdate?
;;; LifetimeUpdate can't kill ImmortalBody
Behavior = LifetimeUpdate ModuleTag_LifetimeUpdate
MinLifetime = 120000
MaxLifetime = 120000

; Gives ally trrops bonus
Behavior = AttributeModifierAuraUpdate ModuleTag_TroopBonus
StartsActive = Yes ;If no, requires upgrade to turn on.
BonusName = PalantirVision
RefreshDelay = 1000
Range = 200

; Detects other stealth units
Behavior = StealthDetectorUpdate StealthDetectorUpdateModuleTag
DetectionRate = 500 ; how often to rescan for stealthed things in my sight (msec)


Links / Downloads

Negative Leadership - by Radspakr1116March 31, 2010 - 6:54
Radiance Tutorial - by Radspakr1107March 31, 2010 - 6:53


Display order: Newest first

forshire - Wednesday September 22, 2010 - 19:36

I am glad about that, these shit codes doesnt work on EA server. otherwise everyone will use cheats.

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