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Add King Dain's FX blue rays

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2, Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

Avatar of BouncyKnight


Category: Graphics
Level: Beginner
Created: Thursday April 27, 2017 - 10:14
Updated: Wednesday May 3, 2017 - 0:24
Views: 6547
Summary: This tutorial tells you to add King Dain's FX blue rays to other heroes


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First, sorry for my bad english, and also it's my very first tutorial, so please be patient.

Then; Since I doesn't see any tutorial for this (maybe I could be wrong), I just add a very simple tutorial on how to give the King's Dain blue rays (those around him) to another heroes.

I once thought those rays are binded with Dain's model, but instead it's a separate code inside the dain.ini file.
I assume that you have already extract all the files from the ini.big to your mod folder using FileBIG program.

1 - Go to your mod folder, Ii could be MyMod as example and find dain.ini file inside of it (MyMod/data/ini/object/goodfaction/units/dwarven/dain.ini) an open it.

2 - Once is open, search for the code below and copy it (Ctrl+C):

;Draw module just for the HeroSelection
Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw Icon
ModelConditionState = NONE
Model         = Icon02

3 - After that open any hero.ini file you want to add the rays, I will use eowyn.ini as example;

4 - Open eowyn.ini

5 - Add the code with Ctrl+V just one row above the text:

; ***DESIGN parameters ***

6 - So at this point, in your eowyn.ini (or whatever you have used) you must have this situation:

;Draw module just for the HeroSelection
Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw Icon
ModelConditionState = NONE
Model         = Icon02

; ***DESIGN parameters ***

7 - Now save everything, open your mod, create Eowyn (cross your fingers) and you must have a result like the Screenshot attached.
Sorry for low graphics... I have a veeery low end pc, it's already a miracle that BFME 2 runs on it.
Naturally at higher graphics you'll see it better.

And that's it! You can add the code of Dain to every hero in the game, it's quiet simple as you saw, just to add a code.
Thank you for reading!

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Screenshot987April 27, 2017 - 14:42

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