The 3rd Age

The Peloponnesian Wars

The Peloponnesian Wars

The Peloponnesian Wars (or TPW) aims to bring BFME2 into Greece, 5th Century BCE.

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Hello, and welcome to The 3rd Age, a website and community entirely dedicated to modding the BfME series.
Whether you’re entirely new to modding BfME, or have already been modifying a few things around, this site, and the forum, is the best place to find resources and help.
Use the above form to log in. You can use your Revora nickname and password, or register there if you haven’t already.
Once you've logged in, you can actively contribute to the site by sharing your knowledge with us, and asking whatever questions you may have in the forums.
If you need help finding your way around this site, go here.
We hope you will have as much fun modding the BfME series as we’ve had during the past few years.

The 3rd Age Staff

Latest News (view all)

T3A News » T3A Modding Official Discord Server

Posted September 7, 2020. By Dúnedain76 | View Comments

Greetings Modders!


We've just opened up a new Discord server dedicated to T3A modding! So far the channels have been set up similarly to how they are here on the forums. We've included subchannels dedicated to the hosted mods on Revora as well as links to where the mods can be downloaded. There is also the option to give yourself dedicated roles to what expertise you might have.

You can access the server by following the link here:


Hope to see you there!

T3A News » T3A Ladder Update (BFME 1)

Posted December 30, 2016. By Echo | View Comments

Ladder News 2016!



The T3A Ladder was updated and now all ladder profiles can receive their own profile page. Linking your profile is not mandatory, but you will need it if you want to have a player profile page and awards on display.

To link your profile, we will need your Revora account ID found in your profile link. Simply post that ID in this topic as well as the ladder profile(s) you're using, we will then link your profile(s) to your ladder name.

Also, we decided to implement pages for all ladders, limiting the number of players per page to 25. This way, it will not look as cluttered as before. The Quick Match Generator received a visual overhaul and was provided with an auto-complete function to type names in faster (also helps to affirm that players are indeed registered).


Lastly, as some of you have noticed, we're about to introduce 3vs3 Quick Match. We're making some final adjustments before it goes live. Stay tuned!


Have a great remaining holiday season and a happy new year celebration!

T3A News » TDH: Widescreen Edition Released

Posted December 23, 2016. By Mathijs | View Comments


The Dwarf Holds, a classic BFME1 mod, has been optimized for users with widescreen monitors.

Playing the original TDH on a widescreen monitor meant having to deal with a very close map zoom. This version fixes that, while also upping the mod's FPS to the standard of BFME1 Patch 1.06. To install it, download it here and run the installer.

If you haven't done so yet, make sure to download our BFME1 widescreen UI patch, which fixes the stretched interface experienced when playing the game on a widescreen resolution.

If you don't yet know how to enable widescreen in BFME1:

  • Open your My Battle for Middle-earth Files folder, easily accessible by typing %appdata% in the Windows Search bar.
  • Open Options.ini and add the following line: Resolution = 1920 1080 (if you have a different widescreen resolution, type that instead)
  • Play the game in full Widescreen!

Thanks and have fun playing,
The Dwarf Holds Team & Staff

T3A News » ModDB Top 100 Announced...

Posted December 11, 2016. By Mathijs | View Comments

...and TWO mods made it in!


BFME2: HD Edition and the newly rebranded Horse Lords, now Age of the Ring. Being personally involved in both projects, I'm totally over the moon right now!


Show your support and vote for us, one last time.



T3A News » Vote for the T3A mods in the 2016 MOTY!

Posted December 1, 2016. By Mathijs | View Comments

It's that time of the year again! Time to put on your T3A underwear and march arm-in-arm towards an underrated result in the MOTY awards!


Links provided below, get voting!


Vote for The Ridder Clan Mod!


Vote for Special Extended Edition!


Vote for the Blue Wizard Mod!


Vote for The Horse Lords!


Vote for Shadow and Flame!


Vote for HD Edition!

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one site to host them all, and on the network bind them."
