The 3rd Age

MasterHero Mod 1.9

MasterHero Mod 1.9

Enhances Visuals, provide series of modifications and additions to the game play, support WOR

Button for The 3rd AgeButton for The Dwarf HoldsButton for The Elven AllianceButton for Helm's Deep Last HopeButton for GothmogtheOrcButton for BFME+Button for The Four AgesButton for HDR HeadquartersButton for Middle Earth CenterButton for Project Perfect Mod

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Immersive Middle-earth (v. 1.4)

Avatar of knightsatwar


Category: Finished Mods
Created: Saturday January 10, 2015 - 12:56
Updated: Thursday January 3, 2019 - 4:09
Views: 11649
Summary: An attempt to make the original BFME1 more personable


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Immersive Middle Earth was designed to improve the quality of BFME 1. There are a lot of big changes made in this mod but the integrity of the base game remains largely the same. Portions of the mod are reactivated and reworked unused assets within the game's files. This mod is compatible with the recent HD Skin/Model Mod and has complete Good and Evil Campaign functionality.

To install, simply open the file directory and replace the game files with the mod files. Recommended to back up the game files before running the mod.


Remove _patch105.big and _patch106.big files if the unofficial patches were installed as they overwrite a majority of the mod coding. Keep _106patchtexture file unless using the HD rework mod. Remove the _WSMaps file if you do not like zooming out that far.

Hope you Enjoy!

Note: While the mod is essentially complete, updates will continue to be released in order to address performance issues, faction balancing, and glitches. If there is anything you do not like about the mod and/or want to change, I can do walkthroughs, send links to help, or even make a personal variation to help make the Immersive Middle Earth experience that you want (within reason and in the scope of the mod). Keep in mind I am a novice at modding so there is only so much I can do. I am personally looking for reviewers and people willing to test out the balance of this mod in pvp sessions. Please send a personal message or go on the mod's forum about any questions or concerns.

Here is a list of things the mod does that were my own work (a near complete list as there may be some things I have changed without remembering between versions)

Here is a list of things the mod does that were my own work

Version 1.0

* Increased the population limits (2 P: 1500 G, 3000 E, 3 P: 1250 G, 2500 E, 4 P: 1000 G, 2000 E, 5/6 P: 750 G, 1500 E, 7/8 P: 500 G, 1000 E)
* Increased starting cash (4000)
* Increased the amount of goblins, wargs and trolls that spawn from lairs (40 Goblins, 10 Warg, 4 Trolls)
* Bodies stay for about 90 seconds on the battlefield instead of instantly disappearing
* Hero bodies stay for less time than other units (about 80 Seconds)
* Body sink rates have been altered
* Gondor archers do not use the melee punch attack
* One of the Gondor archer death animations was switched (on high graphics)
* Boromir has a small splash damage radius and arc
* Camera can zoom in very close
* Saruman has knock back properties and splash damage with his normal attacks
* Lurtz's carnage ability has a larger splash damage radius
* Gimli's slayer ability has a larger radius on both the knock back and splash damage
* All splash damage affects neutral objects like wild animals and destructible scenery
* Some knock back distances have been tweaked

Updates with version 1.1

* Minimum zoom distance has been adjusted to prevent clipping through calvary and heroes on horses
* wild Warg standing death glitch has been fixed
* wild warg do not stand still for an obnoxiously long period of time after standing up from being knockdown
* Gollum making noises after death has been fixed (sort of, sometimes he still makes noises but it is faint when he does)

Updates with version 1.2

*Saruman has stronger armor
* Saruman has an electrical effect when he attacks
*Wichking leadership affects nazgul, and nazguls have thier own leadership that help each other and the witch king. Also the nazgul/witch king have an increased heal rate when they are in a group
*The delay between attacks and the melee attack ranges have been reduced for some heroes and units to make the battles look more natural
*Elves, Soldiers of Rhun, and Towerguards have been buffed offensively to be more like elite units
*Elves, Soldiers of Rhun, and Towerguards do additional damage to each other

Updates with version 1.3-1.35

*Haradrim/Easterling combo hordes
*New Hero (and Balrog) abilities
*Unit balancing adjusted
*Units dropped by air units kill those underneath
*Particle system tweaks
*Mumakil flaming rampage is back
*Hobbits can ride on hero horses (except for Eowyn) and will throw rocks if in ranged mod prior to mounting
*Orcs formations have more variety
*Evil faction level up effects are red
*Gollum can level up
*Arrows are physical objects and still have the white trails
*Evil faction arrows hitting enemies will leave black arrows in body
*Haradrim thrown spear is the actual spear instead of an arrow
*Eagles crash land when killed
*Complete good and campaign compatibility
*Various bug fixes
*Orc and Easterlings Banner carriers actually physically attack instead of using invisible mind attacks
*Brought back flaming mumakil rampage behavior
*Weather acts independently and does not stack anymore
*Removed files that causes crashes

Updates with version 1.36

*Hero Passive abilities tweaked
*Darkness has no aura placed on units (still has bonuses)
*Last stand abilities have been reworked in skirmish (unaffected in some campaign missions)
*Witch king new ability: Malice, use to stun large enemy forces
*Goblin and warg lairs produce less units
*Some ability descriptions updated

Updates with version 1.37

*Some hero ability descriptions improved
*Aragorn’s new ability level requirement and Anduril prerequisite properly coded
*Army of the dead appearance after summoning is not as instantaneous

Updates with Version 1.38

*Fx changes
*Labels on some abilities changed
*Abilities added to Boromir and most Rohan heroes

Updates with Version 1.39

*Word of Power abilities modified
*Health increases for Theoden, Eoywn, Saruman, and Gandalf the White
*Eoywn starting and revival costs decreased
*Legolas’ Eagle Eye ability description fixed
*Hero Resist knockback changes

Updates with Version 1.391

*Amon Hen Crash fix

Updates with Version 1.392

*Zoom out feature

Updates with version 1.393

*Amon Hen Evil Mission Crash fix

Updates with Version 1.4

*Normal Arrows, Flaming Arrows, and Thrown Spears have more special effects
*Eomer has a new spear throw effect
*Slight melee attack speed buff for Eowyn, Theoden, Lurtz, and Saruman
*Slight melee attack speed nerf for Aragorn and Boromir
*Easterling/Haradrim Combo Horde won’t be last priority to kill by AI

This mod incorporates codes that are not my own

* Unit movement issues fixed
* HD skins (on high graphics)
* Armor, experience and other problems fixed
* Units can now guard each other and buildings with "U" as the abilities hotkey
* Haradrim have two skins that are randomly chosen (on high graphics)
* Cut audio clips have been reinstated
* AI has been enhanced
* White is now a player color
* Game can be played without CD
* Intros are skipped automatically
* Resting cursor on units shows the color of the faction they belong to

Unlike patch 1.05 and 1.06

* lumber mills can set rally points
* no new maps

Possible issues with the mod

*Bodies may not sink all the way before disappearing when on uneven slopes

* Calvary and siege tower bodies on uneven slopes like hill sides will sometimes wobble around until sinking

* Zooming in too close will see through some units or buildings

* You can have multiple Merrys, Pippins, and Smeagols if you construct them before thier initial corpse disappears (All other hero bodies disappear before they can respawn)

* AI sometimes have troubles defeating goblin lairs early game

* AI will use war chant or related powers on deceased troops (doesn't happen that often)

* Units may become cluttered in one area if cramped (spreading out units and micromanaging units large armies is a needed skill to be successfully with battles)

*eagles bodies may (rarely) bug out and pretend to be alive even when dead, but it has no affect besides looking annoying

*Sometimes when haradrim and easterling formations fuse, the haradrim walk in place until another command is given

*Units killed when a faction is eliminated will kill units physically touching them (a result of the unit drop programming)

*Certain campaign exclusive models will not change colors to match faction in skirmish

*Some campaign missions will change, but nothing gamebreaking

*Hobbits lose shadows when getting off another heroes' horse, using cloak will add it back though

*The player character can not remove thier hobbit if placed on an allied heroes' horse, unless the allied hero dies, dismounts from horse, or the allied human player manually kicks out the hobbit

*Human controlled allied mounted heroes can steal ally hobbits

Links / Downloads

Bolgodurr’s Adventure: Part 11088June 3, 2018 - 20:01
Immersive Middle Earth2740January 10, 2015 - 14:54


Credit to
THORONGlL of BFME patch 1.05 related codes
For BFME patch 1.06 codes
ICT - Map Editing, Coding Echo - Map Editing, Coding Rider of Rohan - Coding, HD Patch Artist Mathijs - HD Patch Artist, Map Editing

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