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The Elven Alliance: Community Edition

Avatar of Rob38


Category: Finished Mods
Created: Tuesday July 14, 2009 - 19:28
Updated: Monday May 5, 2014 - 1:51
Views: 36577
Summary: This mod project attempts to complete and finish The Elven Alliance mod in its entirety.


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27 votes

Back in 2006, Celeglin released the second beta version of The Elven Alliance (TEA). While the mod was both popular and successful (e.g., made the top 100 mod of the year list in 2006), there was still a lot of unfinished work that needed to be completed. Unfortunately, Celeglin became busy with other things, and he never had the opportunity to continue work on his mod. As such, many fans were disappointed that the mod was never fully completed. After much discussion, the T3A staff and community decided that it was their responsibility to finish TEA and address any balance and bug issues contained in beta 0.9. Due to being unable to contact Celeglin and perhaps straying from his original intentions, the mod was given a new subtitle as to not confuse who the author was of the modified version. The new project became known as The Elven Alliance: Community Edition (TEA:CE).

TEA:CE has just released it's fourth version (version 1.3). The project has evolved over the years, but the original purpose and design has remained the same. Below is some information about what the mod project hopes to accomplish when finished.

The intentions and goals in this edition:

  • Add the new Gondor skins made by Celeglin
  • Fix all bugs and glitches in the mod
  • Balance the factions (with particular attention to the Elves) to make multiplayer more fair and enjoyable
  • Address the issues laid out it the TEA beta 2 readme file
  • Add any missing 2-d art to the mod
  • Develop the Elven AI and add it to all skirmish maps
  • Increase the difficulty and challenge of the hard AI
  • Create audio voices for the Elven units/heroes that have no voice files
  • Include new skirmish maps for the mod
  • Modify the campaign missions by making them more challenging and to incorporate the new features in TEA:CE

What we will not be doing:

  • Adding new models and skins that severely stray away from the original Elven Alliance
  • Deleting or severely modifying units, buildings, and/or heroes

DISCLAIMER: If Celeglin does return and does not approve of the community edition project, the project will stop immediately and the download will be removed. Also, the original version of Celeglin's mod will still be available to download. It can be found here.

Links / Downloads

The Elven Alliance: Community Edition 1.3 Download2781May 5, 2014 - 1:51
Link to the original Elven Alliance mod4537July 14, 2009 - 19:31
Website3062July 14, 2009 - 19:29
Forums2943July 14, 2009 - 19:29


Rob38Leader of mod project
m@ttMajor Contributor
Valaquenta10Voice files for Celeglin
_Haldir_Main Assistant
{AE}ManveruVoice files for Sentinels from Woody End
NerteaNSIS coding scripts for the custom installer
DIGI_ByteT3A Hosted Video Designer
Morgan CaseyAuthor of the music piece "Imladris Unleashed"


Display order: Newest first

Forzain - Wednesday August 6, 2014 - 14:22

Ah, okay, do you know where I could download the game with the campaing? :D

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Sunday August 3, 2014 - 23:47

The Forshire Edition does not include the campaign so that is why it is not working.

Forzain - Sunday July 20, 2014 - 10:16

Its me again, I need help, been Googling this all day. :P
So I have downloaded the Forshire version of BFME 1, because when I install it with a disk on my new computer, with windows 8, its stuck on 22 procent whilst downloading Music.big. Anyways, the campaign won't work for me, and I can't get it working..

Do you know any fixes? I would LOVE to play the Campaign with The Elven Alliance: Community Edition.


Its me again, I need help, been Googling this all day. :P
So I have downloaded the Forshire version of BFME 1, because when I install it with a disk on my new computer, with windows 8, its stuck on 22 procent whilst downloading Music.big. Anyways, the campaign won't work for me, and I can't get it working..

Do you know any fixes? I would LOVE to play the Campaign with The Elven Alliance: Community Edition.

EDIT: I can play Skirmish fine.

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Sunday June 8, 2014 - 18:10

I explain how to install Patch 1.05 in the installation instructions. You can view the instructions below:

Forzain - Wednesday May 28, 2014 - 8:49

Oh okay! Thanks! :D


Hey, Rob38!
I need your help badly (as you are the leader of this mod project, i'd think the best person to ask is you)
So, I downloaded TEA:CE version 1.3, it comes with an installer as i expected, so I try to install it, it asks me to download patch 1.0.3 (witch is very weird as I already have that patch, I do it anyways). So I download it, comes with and installer, and I install it (I downloaded it from the link witch the TEA:CE 1.3 installer told me to do. Okay? Now patch 1.0.3 (for the game) is installed, I start up the TEA:CE installer,try to install it, asks me to download patch 1.0.5 (already have that patch too. ), ofcourse I do it anyways, so I download patch 1.0.5 and it DOSEN'T come with an installer.
Now I am stuck here and I don't know how to install a patch without and installer (i'm new to modding and too this community).
Please help! I love this mod!
I also have The Elven Alliance BETA mod. And The Elven Alliance: Community Edition 1.2 installed on my computer!

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Wednesday May 7, 2014 - 3:53

His initial skin should be the fellowship skin now in Version 1.3. As his level increases, his skin will change.

Forzain - Tuesday April 15, 2014 - 13:45

Great mod! One thing tough, please add a Fellowship suit for Aragorn or maybe a ranger suit for him, otherwise great mod!

Dûnedaincapitain - Tuesday September 20, 2011 - 11:01

you dont ask about that, it comes when it does.

Paul Kellerman - Thursday August 19, 2010 - 20:40

Great Mod :D
Any new update :s

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