The 3rd Age



This mod tends to follow the lore of books and films along with bringing the realism in the gameplay

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Mirkwood Swamp

Download for Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2

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Rising Phoenix

Category: Maps
Created: Sunday June 23, 2019 - 12:21
Updated: Sunday June 23, 2019 - 14:26
Views: 6463
Summary: A swamp in the north of Mirkwood


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I have tried to make this map work for multiple scenarios but I believe it will work best for 3v3 or 5v3

***in-game description***

A swamp in the north of Mirkwood filled with spiders and other wild creatures. This was the place where Sauron's influence was first discovered in the third age of Middle Earth. Made by RisingPhoenix

This map has rain and is based on a swampy theme with lots of shrubs and trees.

For more information see Worldbuilder scripts->neutral->README->Details->(description)
made using EA's WorldBuilder for BFME2
Enjoy :)

If you have any improvements or just general comments please tell me
(I can still change the uploaded file)

Links / Downloads

Mirkwood Swamp1890June 23, 2019 - 12:57


Jokuc - damage animations for HobbitWorkPit

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