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Register and log in to move these advertisements down How to change the number of units in a hordeTutorial for ROTWK
Hi i am going to show you how to change the number of units in a horde . This comes in handy if you want to balance units more , or just change it to suit you.for this i will use the simple Elven lorien warriors , the basic fighter units for the elves but you can select whichever units you want. ok first step, your going to want to go to wherever you installed your game directory and open it then select mod/data/ini/object/goodfaction/hordes/elven.Then pick the elvenhordes document.open it then 'ctrl + f' and find ElvenLorienWarriorHorde , it will probably be the first on the list so you wont have to search but just incase. Then 'ctrl + f' 'initialpayload' you should see this code show up- InitialPayload = ElvenLorienWarrior 6 Slots = 6 your going to want to change that to... lets say '8' for now , so edit and your new code should look like this (note, also change the slots to 8) InitialPayload = ElvenLorienWarrior 8 Slots = 8 -ok second step , scroll a little bit down the page and you should see the following code- RankInfo = RankNumber:1 UnitType:ElvenLorienWarrior Position:X:10 Y:10 Position:X:10 Y:-10 Position:X:10 Y:30 Position:X:10 Y:-30 Position:X:10 Y:50 Position:X:10 Y:-50 RanksToReleaseWhenAttacking = 1 -your going to want to delete that whole bit and paste this following code- RankInfo = RankNumber:1 UnitType:ElvenLorienWarrior Position:X:30 Y:10 Position:X:30 Y:-10 Position:X:30 Y:30 Position:X:30 Y:-30 RankInfo = RankNumber:2 UnitType:ElvenLorienWarrior Position:X:10 Y:10 Leader 1 0 Position:X:10 Y:-10 Leader 1 1 Position:X:10 Y:30 Leader 1 2 Position:X:10 Y:-30 Leader 1 3 RanksToReleaseWhenAttacking = 1 2 -and there you have it just save and the next time you select this unit it will come out in 2 ranks of 4 , 8 men in total. (note 'RanksToReleaseWhenAttacking = 1 2' means the front row and then the second row, will both move out to attack the enemy , if 'RanksToReleaseWhenAttacking' is left as just '1' and not '1 2' only the front row will attack the enemy. Also 'UnitType' can be changed if you want say for example a row of archers, and a front row of swordsmen to protect them you would have one of the units types as 'ElvenLorienWarrior' and the other as 'ElvenLorienArcherHorde') If there are any problems or your having difficulties leave a comment or P/M me ,thankyou CommentsDisplay order: Newest first Stegor - Thursday December 3, 2020 - 23:40 Hi, I done change on Mirkwood troops(I added 18 instead of 10 units in each battalion and now units can't use special formations) can you help me with that? Yaroslav - Sunday September 18, 2011 - 12:05 it very easy Unknown - Sunday August 14, 2011 - 9:25 Yes, use code boxes: Radspakr Wolfbane (Team Chamber Member) - Sunday August 14, 2011 - 6:03 You might want to add in code boxes and make your text better set out. Elric - Monday August 8, 2011 - 17:30 Take a look to see if anybody wrote a tutorial before you create your own because i already did a tutorial on this in my Ultimate Tutorial. |
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