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![]() Link to Download https://www.moddb.com/mods/bfme-nostalgia/downloads/bfme1-mod Changelog ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORDOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Archers have decreased range when upgraded to Fire Arrows Orc Warriors have upgraded Armor when they are LV2 ,they are stronger vs Arrows New Model added to Orc Warrior for the upgrade shield Their horde command points are now 10 from 20 Haradrim Lancers have longer range Their Lance thrown attacks have both Pierce and Slash damage Haradrim Bow on Mumakil have increased Damage against RohirrimArchers,GondorArchers,RohanArchers,Mordor Archers,IengardArchers Soldiers of Rhun have better armor against arrows attack has been increased a bit Attack Troll LV2 , with armor , have better armor against arrows Resist knockback as LV2 Siege Towers have better Armor against arrows Siege Towers have more Armor against fire atacks Furnace now gives 20 resources ; was 15 Furnace now costs 400 , was 350 Mumakil stronger against normal arrows Troll Axe Worker is built automatically at the Lumbermills LV2 once you create a Troll Cage Gollum reduces Money Production of Enemy Farms when he is near them -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISENGARD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overall armour texture faction change ; no more gold armor Isengard Fighter horde command points are now 10 from 20 Isengard Fighter health increased Archers have decreased range when upgraded to Fire Arrows Berserkers have better armor against arrows Have a stronger attack Have increased health Costs 400 , was 200 Their command points are now 10 from 4 WargRiders have increased health Stronger attack when upgraded Warg Howl ability gives experience WargPit now have 4 Warg Sentry units Mine being carried can be stealthed in the trees Furnace now gives 20 resources ; was 15 Furnace now costs 400 , was 350 BattleTowers now Garrisonable , has more Armor Isengard SlaughterHouse now gives Food Bonus - Infantry and WargRiders discount costs --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROHAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rohan Archers have decreased range when upgraded to Fire Arrows ; ElvennWarrior and RohirrimArchers range has not changed Rohan Archers horde command points are now 10 from 20 Fully Upgraded Rohirrim with HorseShields and HeavyArmor are more resistant to arrows Evlen Warriors cost 1000 Farms start at LV1 ; was at LV2 Farms at LV 2 have amimals which also give money at intervals Farms now have Defensive Bow Weapon at LV3 Wall Upgrade Bonus gives additional EXP bonus Peasants horde command points are now 5 from 10 They no longer have Banner Carrier Update Heal Well and Statue range increased All Ents can be stealted in the trees Merry increases Money and Production when near Farms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GONDOR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gandalf can heal and respawn horde Infantry units when as Gandlaf the White It is an intermittent passive power Does not affect Cavalry units Walls , towers and gates are stronger GondorArchers have decreased range when upgraded to Fire Arrows GondorArchers cost 500 Rangers cost 800 Rangers no longer have Banner Carrier Update Rangers can combo into DoubleHorde Rangers range has not changed when upgraded to Fire Arrows Overall armour texture faction change ; no more gold armor Tower Guard armor textures unchanged Fully Upgraded Knights with HorseShields and HeavyArmor are more resistant to arrows FireStones upgrade gives longer Range for Trebuctets Fire Stone Personal and tech Upgrade now cost 1000 Fire Stone Tech Upgrade now cost 2000 Farms start at LV1 ; was at LV2 Farms now have Defensive Bow Weapon at LV3 Farms now can build Rangers at LV3 if Archery Range and Faramir was built StoneMason building now gives Trebuchets cost discounts BlackSmith building no longer gives Trebuchets cost discounts BlackSmith building now gives 20 resources ; was 15 BattleTowers now Garrisonable , has more Armor Pippen increases Money and Production when near Farms -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREEPS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Increased all Creeps amount at lairs Increased Creep lair health --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPELLS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summon Balrog and ArmyOfTheDead now have longer reload times --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faction Colors have been changed All Structures have more armor against Slash Damage (Soldiers ) , less armor against Fire All Hobbits gets increased Damage using sword and rock Link to Download https://www.moddb.com/mods/bfme-nostalgia/downloads/bfme1-mod Credits
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