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Eowyn Disguise/Camouflage (Scripts)

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2, Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

Avatar of Sulherokhh


Category: Code
Level: Expert
Created: Sunday May 20, 2007 - 3:21
Updated: Friday October 5, 2007 - 6:00
Views: 6032
Summary: How to make Eowyn's Disguise unique and useful, finally!


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Editing Eowyn

The first step is to change the object code of Eowyn. You will find it in the file: 'data\ini\object\goodfaction\units\men\eowyn.ini'. The object starts with the name 'Object RohanEowyn'.

Go down the the part where it says:               
Behavior = SpecialDisguiseUpdate

Now make only a few chages to it:               
Behavior = SpecialDisguiseUpdate ModuleTag_SpecialDisguiseUpdateUpdate
SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityDisguise
UnpackTime = 1000
PreparationTime = 1
PersistentPrepTime = 250
PackTime = 1000    
OpacityTarget            = .3        ; How see-thru to be at peak of change
AwardXPForTriggering = 0
DisguiseAsTemplate        = RohanEowynDisguised
DisguisedAsTemplate_EnemyPerspective = RohanRohirrimHorde
DisguiseFX                = FX_DisguiseExit
ForceMountedWhenDisguising = Yes

Change to following lines so that they read like this:               
DisguiseAsTemplate        = RohanEowyn ;RohanEowynDisguised
DisguisedAsTemplate_EnemyPerspective = RohanEowyn ;RohanRohirrimHorde

There simply is no need to change the template, either for you as a player nor for the enemy, as he will not see Eowyn when camouflaged, and if he is close enough he will see the disguised model anyway.

Now, directly below that put in the following code:               
;--------- Disguise Invisibility Update----------------------------------------------------------
Behavior = InvisibilityUpdate ModuleTag_EowynStealthUpdate
InvisibilityType                = CAMOUFLAGE
DetectionRange                    = M_CAMOUFLAGE_RADIUS
ForbiddenConditions                = FIRING_ANY ;TAKING_DAMAGE
ForbiddenWeaponConditions        = CLOSE_RANGE ;CONTESTING_BUILDING
// Options                            = ALLOW_NEAR_TREES
UpdatePeriod                        = 2000
StartsActive                        = Yes
RequiredUpgrades                    = Upgrade_EowynConditionStealthed_SEE
ForbiddenUpgrades                    = Upgrade_EowynConditionNotStealthed_SEE

As you can see, she will stay camouflaged, even when moving. That's important, because her 'trees' (read: riders) will be moving too. Also she is no elf or ranger so real trees won't help her. That's it for her now.

Note 1: The UpdatePeriod = 2000 means, she checks every 2 seconds to see if there is any change in her 'camouflage' status once it is activated.

Note 2: The names of the upgrades can be just about any. Those were the ones I used for S.E.E. Of course they need to be defined, which will be on page 4.

Note 3: Without any additional modifications to her code, she will auto-mount when disguising               
ForceMountedWhenDisguising = Yes
. Also she will be 'un-'disguised automatically when dismounting. Look at her mount codes:               
    Behavior = ToggleMountedSpecialAbilityUpdate ModuleTag_HorseToggle
        CancelDisguiseWhenDismounting = Yes

Setting both to 'no' will decouple her MOUNTED and DISGUISED statuses. Change it or leave it according to your own preferences.

One more thing needs to be done, but we'll do that on page 4 where you will also find out what it is good for.


PhilFor hinting at the 'scriptevents.xml'


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Mouth of Sauron - Thursday January 14, 2010 - 5:49

Thank you, this is most useful generally ; about Eowyn however... I never understood this ability and I cannot see for what should it be used - she was not hiding before the ennemy, she was hiding before Theoden, wasn't she...



Thank you, this is most useful generally ; about Eowyn however... I never understood this ability and I cannot see for what should it be used - she was not hiding before the ennemy, she was hiding before Theoden, wasn't she...


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