The 3rd Age

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Adding your own Create a Hero (Sub)Class

Avatar of Solinx


Category: Code
Level: Expert
Created: Sunday March 25, 2007 - 13:28
Updated: Friday August 27, 2010 - 19:28
Views: 33190
Summary: Basic instructions for creating a new Create a Hero lineup


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--- "Commandbutton.ini" ---

    The powers, likely the biggest reason for adding a new Class among the existing CAH's.
    Now as I said at the start, the focus is on getting the Class playable.
    That's why I keep this part simple for now.

    All you need to do, to have the same powers as the Men of the West Class has, is
    to add you Class upgrade name to every instance of:

        CreateAHeroUIAllowableUpgrades         = Upgrade_CreateAHero_ClassHeroOfTheWest

    Hint: use search and replace!

    That's all!

    Some more info for those who already know how to add powers.
    There are three values that are new to CAH's, all of them are used in the CAH power selection menu. (When you create your hero)

        CreateAHeroUIAllowableUpgrades         - Here all the Classes that may choose the power are listed.
        CreateAHeroUIMinimumLevel        - The minimum level the hero must be before it can choose this power.
        CreateAHeroUIPrerequisiteButtonName    - If this is a level 2 power, you'll first have to choose the level 1 version.
                             The "CommandButton" name of that level 1 power is listed here.
19 jan 2007 update:
In RotWK there is an additional CaH specific line:
CreateAHeroUICostIfSelected - This sets the costs that come with selecting this power for your personal CaH. The combined costs of all powers make the costs to purchase your CaH ingame. By default the input for this are macro's, variables that are defined in ...\data\ini\gamedata.ini. You can also choose to just enter numeric values, which is recommended if you intend to make a small mod.

    Other files used are:
        createaherospecialpowers.ini is used to store all the power behaviors that would otherwise be found in the unit ini file.    
    The other two are, AFAIK, similar to their non CAH versions.
    I know there are more files involved, but these listed are just the new ones.

    Before I forget, you DONT need to change "experiencelevels.ini" or ""
    This is now taken care of in "commandbutton.ini" with the three new values.

    Those who don't know how to mod themselves some powers, I suggest to check out some of the guides from this site.

19 jan 2007 Update:
In the meanwhile I have written two guides about exchanging powers between normal heroes:
BFME 2 Guide: Converting normal powers into Create A Hero Powers
BFME 2 Guide: Converting Create A Hero powers to normal powers

Next page:


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Elaryan - Wednesday January 14, 2009 - 14:24

it works! i have my own CAH class ! muajauajua thx you

ILUTAVAR - Saturday March 22, 2008 - 8:01

i cant edit the cah upgrades

{IP}Sauron - Thursday June 21, 2007 - 14:23

nice tutorial gotta use this sometime

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