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Last Alliance Battle Mod

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Adding Summon Allies

Avatar of Hostile


Category: Code
Level: Beginner
Created: Monday March 26, 2007 - 4:59
Updated: Saturday June 27, 2009 - 18:54
Views: 10329
Summary: Creating a new summon allies spell


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13 votes

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We now want to add the spell to our Science.ini file. Locate this file here \data\ini\science.ini Add this to the end of the existing file.

Science SCIENCE_SauronAlly
SciencePurchasePointCost = 10
SciencePurchasePointCostMP = 6
IsGrantable = Yes
; DisplayName =
; Description =

This name is the same as referenced further up in the tutorial. PrerequisiteSciences tells the computer what sciences you must purchase first to be able to buy this Science, no matter how many command points you have. SciencePurchasePointCost(MP) the first tells you how much it will cost for a single player game. The second how much it will cost to purchase in a Multiplayer/Skirmish game. Display names are added in the CSF file. I've not added this for this tutorial. ";" is used to comment out items not to be used quite yet.

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New Objects2084March 26, 2007 - 5:02


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Dwarven_Axe - Monday June 21, 2010 - 19:48

Great tutorial - thanks Hostile! I followed it to make a tier 2 Summon Eagles power to replace the Summon Tom Bombadil power since I coded him in as a buildable hero.

{AE}Manveru - Thursday September 3, 2009 - 6:20

I gave this a 3 because you forgot to update the dependencies for powers for which the new one is a prerequisite, thus making any powers below it not puirchasable. Contact me if you update it and I will rerate the tutorial.

Meneldil - Tuesday December 23, 2008 - 8:58

Thank for this nice tutorial. I learned a lot from it. One question regarding the instructions. It's not fully clear to me where to place the 5 object files. The directions say to place them in the "data/ini/object folder." I figured you meant the "data/ini/object/system/system.ini" location. Is that correct? (That's what I did, but it may not be ideal). Also, I was not able to obtain the Balrog skill from the skill tree even though I had the needed 20 points (this when going down the "left" branch via the new Sauron Summon skill). I had to go down another branch using original skills in order to obtain the Summon Balrog skill. Did I do something wrong or is this a limitation?

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