The 3rd Age

Gauntlet: Dark Legacy

Gauntlet: Dark Legacy

Gauntlet: Dark Legacy BFME 2 Mod

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Helm's Deep Last Hope

Avatar of Rob38


Category: Work In Progress Mods
Created: Wednesday September 5, 2007 - 12:24
Updated: Sunday March 30, 2014 - 18:18
Views: 43102
Summary: The ultimate map mod


Staff says


Members say




49 votes

This mod focuses all its efforts into one map to create perhaps the best map BFME has ever seen.

What this mod features:

* will be for BFME2 and must have the latest patch installed
* beautifully scripted cinematic scenes to give the viewer "movie type" scenes
* unique Rohan and Isengard factions specific to my Helm's Deep map
* map will be heavily modified from EA's one
* custom audio and images from the movie
* entirely scripted Ai with many challenging objectives and goals
* new, abilities, heroes, units, and spellbook powers
* custom made fx, skins, and button images
* can choose to be either good or evil
* release date is unknown as of now

Links / Downloads

Forum4948September 7, 2007 - 11:30
Website6885September 7, 2007 - 11:29


Display order: Newest first | Page: 1, 2, 3, 4

_Haldir_ (Team Chamber Member) - Friday October 15, 2010 - 2:50

Read the last dot point.

Yddeds - Wednesday October 13, 2010 - 7:20

have you got any idea when this will finish

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Friday January 22, 2010 - 1:16

The mini-campaign is just one map (Helm's Deep). :)

The Frozen Sun - Wednesday January 20, 2010 - 23:39

So... Just to clear up any confusion I'm having (because I'm a little bit slow sometimes) - This mods includes: A redone Helms Deep map, new units, heroes, etc. and a... New mini-campaign? This was the bit I was confused about.

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Monday November 2, 2009 - 13:35

Yep, I am in the process of editing all the Helm's Deep structures with new skins too. :)

Anthem - Monday November 2, 2009 - 12:01

I hope that you edit (remake?) the buildings (especially walls of the Hornburg) of Helms deep... If you haven't done it yet, I think you should. It's not even really hard, but I bet you know that already

yams in a can - Sunday September 20, 2009 - 19:17

So are you a guy (woman pictures)?

Ring o' Fate - Sunday August 30, 2009 - 10:23


Keromalas - Sunday August 16, 2009 - 12:37

Hey Rob38, thanks for letting me know about the map thing I did. Glad you did. I didn't know I had to contact him...anyways thanks again and the mod looks great! Can't wait for it to be released.

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Tuesday June 16, 2009 - 13:34

Nope, mod is still being worked on. Check the forums for the latest news and updates. I have not updated my website in a while, but I'll try to address that soon.

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