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In-Game Text: map.str Tutorial

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth BFME, Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2, Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

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Category: Worldbuilder
Level: Beginner
Created: Saturday January 9, 2010 - 9:41
Updated: Wednesday February 3, 2010 - 11:05
Views: 5170
Summary: A tutorial that will talk you through the basics of map.str


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Writing text in map.str

Because you have not done any map.str before, I will explain how to layout text in the map.str file. If you wish to display one line of text in your map, we must write 3 lines of text in the map.str. If you want to show 2 lines of text, 4 lines in the map.str, and so on like that.

Writing text in map.str is very simple. You must write an extra 2 lines, for any amount of text you wish to show in game. The first line is the text title, the next amount (depending on how much text you have) is the actual text that will be displayed in the game, and the final, and most important dignifies the end of the text. If you do not have the final line, your game may freeze and you might have to reboot your system.
The layout is as follows:

SCRIPT: Text_Title
"Your text here"

You might have noticed that I have put 'SCRIPT: ' before the text title, this is so that you can find it in worldbuilder. If you do not put this, you will have to type in your text title in worlbuilder manually, and in game it will say @MISSING: Text Title. (It won't say 'text title', it will show what you have named it.)
Also, don't put any spaces in your text title, if you require a space use a '_' instead.

All of your text, that you wish to show in game, must be enclosed within double speech marks. The speeach marks will not show up when you play your map, but it shows the game what is to be displayed. Do not forget to close the speech marks, because this also may cause your game to crash.
If you want to start a new line of text you use the following: \n then you start a new line. For example:

Hello, And welcome\n
To my map

Will be displayed as:
Hello, And welcome
To my map

All text is centered in game.
The last line, shows the end of your text, which without, like I said, will game cause your game to freeze and crash. You must type End, with a capital E, after all of your text.

To make text show up in the game you need to set up a script like the following:

Conditions - Anything you want
Actions - Interface/Display Text/Show Text Message to user

Show military briefing localized string 'Text title in map.str' for '???' milliseconds.

For the ??? bit, that is how long it is displayed on screen. Note that it is in milliseconds, so their are 1000 milliseconds to a second. Therefore, if you choose that option to be 10000 ms, then it will stay on screen for 10 seconds.

Links / Downloads

Map.str Template1031February 1, 2010 - 8:37


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Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Saturday January 9, 2010 - 12:48

For a better format, try adding

code tags to the scripts and map.str text parts. Other than that, good tutorial.

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