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Camera System

Avatar of robnkarla


Category: Worldbuilder
Level: Intermediate
Created: Saturday March 21, 2009 - 22:53
Updated: Thursday July 7, 2011 - 1:11
Views: 13885
Summary: Learn how to add a whole new visual experience to BFME


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15 votes

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9. We now need to create a seperate script for each of the different camera angles. For these scripts, make sure to uncheck the Deactivate upon success box. Here are the scripts for my camera angles:

General View

*** IF ***
Player Player '<Local Player>' starts using Special power 'SpellBookGeneralView'.
*** THEN ***
Change camera pitch to 1.00 in 1.00 seconds, ease-in 0.50 seconds, ease-out 0.50 seconds.
Change camera zoom to 1.25 in 1.00 seconds, ease-in 0.50 seconds, ease-out 0.50 seconds.

Commander View

*** IF ***
Player Player '<Local Player>' starts using Special power 'SpellBookCommanderView'.
*** THEN ***
Change camera pitch to 0.60 in 1.00 seconds, ease-in 0.50 seconds, ease-out 0.50 seconds.
Change camera zoom to 1.00 in 1.00 seconds, ease-in 0.50 seconds, ease-out 0.50 seconds.

Unit View

*** IF ***
Player Player '<Local Player>' starts using Special power 'SpellBookUnitView'.
*** THEN ***
Change camera pitch to 0.25 in 1.00 seconds, ease-in 0.50 seconds, ease-out 0.50 seconds.
Change camera zoom to 0.75 in 1.00 seconds, ease-in 0.50 seconds, ease-out 0.50 seconds.

Ground View

*** IF ***
Player Player '<Local Player>' starts using Special power 'SpellBookGroundView'.
*** THEN ***
Change camera pitch to -0.30 in 2.00 seconds, ease-in 0.50 seconds, ease-out 0.50 seconds.
Change camera zoom to 0.70 in 1.00 seconds, ease-in 0.50 seconds, ease-out 0.50 seconds.

Links / Downloads

Camera Scripts3126March 22, 2009 - 2:18


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forshire - Monday September 27, 2010 - 14:10

which .ini file ?


I have done this all stuff. Camera mods working. But i have a question. How can I setup hotkeys for different camera mods? Thanx!

The Lord Of The Bats - Wednesday July 22, 2009 - 19:10

Does this work for the first one because I tried it and it always shows a gamecrash because of the "Behavior" at start up in the system.ini. This would have looked amazing in my mod but all in all, great tutuorial.

melkor777 - Sunday April 5, 2009 - 16:35

there is just two words to descrive this... FLIPPIN' AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


there is a runtime error how can i fix?

Rokqua Shadowkin - Tuesday March 24, 2009 - 21:57

This is great! I hope it works for all of the games, 'cause I'm making a few personal mod (and one public) that could use something like this.

robnkarla (Team Chamber Member) - Tuesday March 24, 2009 - 15:20

Thanks Rob38 for getting the ball rolling on this one :D

Clement (Team Chamber Member) - Monday March 23, 2009 - 4:26

Since the time I wanted to figure out how to make it! This is amazing, the camera system is one of the best thing that can be added via modding!

This is a amazing job Rob ;)

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