The 3rd Age

Age of the Firstborn - The Rebirth

Age of the Firstborn - The Rebirth

Continues on Elrond99's Age of the Firstborn mod by turning time back to around TA2000.

Button for The 3rd AgeButton for The Dwarf HoldsButton for The Elven AllianceButton for Helm's Deep Last HopeButton for GothmogtheOrcButton for BFME+Button for The Four AgesButton for HDR HeadquartersButton for Middle Earth CenterButton for Project Perfect Mod

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Southern Fiefdoms Model Pack

Avatar of Nertea


Category: Resources
Created: Wednesday May 16, 2007 - 16:25
Updated: Saturday January 7, 2012 - 23:50
Views: 46395
Summary: Models and skins for various Southen Fiefdom troops


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39 votes

Here are a bunch of free use Southern Fiefdoms models and skins. More may be forthcoming in the future. They all contain Heavy Armour and Forged Blade textures/objects for those that wish to use them, except the Knights. They should be compatible with all versions of Battle for Middle Earth, though there may be some bounding box problems with BFME2. Do note that the rigging is not exceptional.

Prince Imrahil

User image

Model: guimrahilhrs.w3d
Skeleton: rurohrm_skl.w3d
- koda.tga
- kodahorse.tga
- kodashield.tga
- kodaimface.tga

Prince Imrahil on Foot

User image

Model: guimrahil.w3d
Skeleton: guboromir_skl.w3d
- koda.tga
- kodashield.tga
- kodaimface.tga

Knight of Dol Amroth

User image

Model: gdaknight.w3d
Skeleton: rurohrm_skl.w3d
- koda.tga
- kodashield.tga
- kodahorse.tga
Important Subobjects

Knight of Dol Amroth on Foot

User image

Model: gdaknightft.w3d
Skeleton: rutheoden_skl.w3d
- koda.tga
- kodashield.tga
Important Subobjects

Spearman of Pelargir

User image

Model: gupelargir_skn.w3d
Skeleton: gutowergrd_skl.w3d
- gufiefweapons2.tga
- gupelargir.tga
Heavy Armour:
- gupelargir_ha.tga
Important Subobjects

Footman of Ringlo Vale

User image

Model: guringvale_skn.w3d
Skeleton: rueowyn_skl.w3d
- gufiefweapons2.tga
- guringlovale.tga
Heavy Armour:
- guringlovale_ha.tga
Important Subobjects

Bowman of Morthond

User image

Model: gumorthond_skn.w3d
Skeleton: guranger_skl.w3d
- gufiefweapons2.tga
- gumorthond2.tga
Heavy Armour:
- gumorthond2ha.tga
Important Subobjects

Note that the Bowmen have all the necessary rigging to use swords in melee combat, like the Rangers in stock BFME.

Axeman of Lossnarch

User image

Model: gulossn_skn.w3d
Skeleton: guaragorn_skl.w3d
- gulossnarch3.tga
- gulossnarch4.tga
Heavy Armour:
- gulossnarch3ha.tga
Important Subobjects


User image

- gulossnbnr_skn.w3d
- gumorthban_skn.w3d
- gupelbnr_skn.w3d
- guringloban_skn.w3d
- gdabnrft_skn.w3d
- gdabnrmt_skn.w3d
- gubanner_skl.w3d
- rurohrm_skl.w3d (for gdabnrmt_skn)
- same as their respective troops
- gufiefbanners.tga
- gufiefcapes.tga

These banner carriers are the same as their faction, save the addition of a banner and cape. There are some annoying rigging problems with the gubanner skeleton, however, so they aren't great

Credit is required. These models must be used in their original condition. If you wish to modify or edit them in any way, you must contact me first.
Do not bother me with questions on how to get them ingame, as I don't know how. I'm just a lowly artist.

Also let me know if you have any cool shots of the models ingame, as some I haven't seen yet.

There is now a tutorial based on putting these models ingame, thanks to Robnkarla. I recommend you look at it HERE.

Links / Downloads

Ingame Screenshots3782June 29, 2007 - 1:06
Fiefdom Banner Bearers3701May 18, 2007 - 18:33
Bowman of Morthond3740May 16, 2007 - 16:55
Spearman of Pelargir3647May 16, 2007 - 16:55
Axeman of Lossnarch3401May 16, 2007 - 16:54
Footman of Ringlo Vale3400May 16, 2007 - 16:54
Knights of Dol Amroth and Imrahil4226May 16, 2007 - 16:54


Display order: Newest first | Page: 1, 2, 3, 4

Guess Who - Sunday July 22, 2007 - 22:24

im gonna code these into one mod to rule them all.

Juissi - Thursday July 12, 2007 - 4:37

My favourite from all these are the banner :wub: I love them. Dont know how you came up with the design in them but I love them :)

ched (Team Chamber Member) - Monday July 2, 2007 - 9:09

you read the 3 comments below or above, depending on how comments are organised for you, and take the consequences needed.

lotrfreak - Monday July 2, 2007 - 8:53

i would like these for my mod, so could u give me their full code. plz&thx. :)

Nertea (Team Chamber Member) - Friday June 29, 2007 - 1:08

I suggest you ask for help in the main T3A forum if you're having trouble getting them ingame.

I got around to adding some ingame screenshots of the units, courtesy of Battles for Gondor and robnkarla!

elven war hero - Wednesday June 27, 2007 - 10:55

may sombody please tell me how to put the downloads in the battle for midlle earth 2 the retern of the whitch king please becaose i am desperate to put all the available downloads on now

Bart (Administrator) - Tuesday June 26, 2007 - 8:57

these models are intended for modders to put into their mods. you will have to wait until someone decides to make them into units

elven war hero - Tuesday June 26, 2007 - 3:32

how do you download them and get them in the game

SquallBK - Saturday June 2, 2007 - 12:35

nice job. I know I couldn't do something like that lol.

Bebbe - Tuesday May 22, 2007 - 2:12

Lovely Nert , just lovely ! :)
I'll sure check this out.

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