The 3rd Age

BFME I: Anorien Estel

BFME I: Anorien Estel

New great addition to BFME I - something like a new part of BFME...

Button for The 3rd AgeButton for The Dwarf HoldsButton for The Elven AllianceButton for Helm's Deep Last HopeButton for GothmogtheOrcButton for BFME+Button for The Four AgesButton for HDR HeadquartersButton for Middle Earth CenterButton for Project Perfect Mod

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Horde Blademaster / Deadeye / Knifefighter

Avatar of JUS_SAURON


Category: Code
Level: Beginner
Created: Saturday July 31, 2010 - 6:02
Updated: Friday August 27, 2010 - 19:27
Views: 6033
Summary: giving hordes Hero Mode weapons


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5 votes

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The commandButton :

the commandbutton is simple :
It has a Description and a picture of a Blade
It is used to trigger the power
The commandset must then include this command for both the Horde and the single unit
in Commandbutton.ini


CommandButton Command_NumenorHeroModeHorde
    Command                = SPECIAL_POWER
    SpecialPower            = SpecialAbilityNumenorHero
    TextLabel                = CONTROLBAR:NumenorHeroMode
    ButtonImage                = HSAragornBladeMaster
    InvalidCursorName            = GenericInvalid
    ButtonBorderType            = ACTION
    DescriptLabel            = CONTROLBAR:NumenorHeroModeTip
    InPalantir                = Yes
    AutoAbility                = Yes
    PresetRange                = 50.0    
    UnitSpecificSound        = LegolasKnifeModeMS

in Lotr.STR file


"Numenorean Soldiers use \n special weapon tactics \n for a short duration \n \n Left click to activate "

"Weapon Specialist"

Add this Button the the Commandset of the UNIT Object and the HORDE


6 = Command_NumenorHeroModeHorde


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BouncyKnight - Wednesday April 26, 2017 - 15:50

Thank you sir! This is a really helpful and working way on how to toggle secondary weapon!

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Friday August 27, 2010 - 18:59

Nice solid tutorial.

Lauri (Team Chamber Member) - Saturday July 31, 2010 - 15:25

It's just as in the forums..
without the two * just enter [*code]All code in here[*/code]

And what I meant by explaining is that you didn't really explain what different things did.. Like, why do you have to have this code here, or this here, stuff like that

JUS_SAURON - Saturday July 31, 2010 - 9:11

Sorry , Its my very First Tutorial ..
Not sure how to use the Codebox in this page setup
I will try to explain and redo

Lauri (Team Chamber Member) - Saturday July 31, 2010 - 9:02

You don't explain much, only show the code..
And if possible could you update it to use the

code wrappings?

Spartan184 - Saturday July 31, 2010 - 8:28

Very good tutorial.

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