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Horde Blademaster / Deadeye / Knifefighter

Avatar of JUS_SAURON


Category: Code
Level: Beginner
Created: Saturday July 31, 2010 - 6:02
Updated: Friday August 27, 2010 - 19:27
Views: 6041
Summary: giving hordes Hero Mode weapons


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5 votes

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Horde Duplication :

Duplicating the Horde via Coding will give us the opportunity to add this power to a
Special Horde and not mess with the original

i.e Object JGondorFighter // Object JGondorFighterHorde are the new objects EXACTLY simlier to the original

1. Copy the GondorFighter and GondorFighterHorde Objects ONLY !
2. Add it to its own INI file
3. Add a Commandbutton to Build this New Horde
4. Rename if necc. .. Buildcost etc ...
5. Add in experience levels , similar to the original or create your own

Example of the New Horde :


Object JGondorFighterHorde

    ; This is required for garrisoned objects - please put in all objects.
    ButtonImage        = HINumenorKnightIcon ; BGBarracks_Soldiers
    SelectPortrait    = HPNumenorFighterPortrait ; HPNumenorArcherIcon

    Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_W3DModelDraw
            Model = None ;InvisHrdeTmp5x2

        ModelConditionState = HORDE_EMPTY
            Model = None
        ModelConditionState = WORLD_BUILDER
            Model = HordeMarkGUSol
    Side = Men
    EditorSorting = UNIT
    EmotionRange = 240
    DisplayName = OBJECT:GondorKnightNumenorHorde
        Conditions = None
        Weapon = PRIMARY NormalMeleeHordeRangefinder

    ; *** AUDIO Parameters ***;
    ; Note: Don't put voice parameters here -- they will be ignored. Voice play requests
    ; are always passed through to members

        VoiceDesperateAttack = GondorSoldierVoiceDesperateCharge

    BuildCost = 2000
    CommandPoints = 25
    FormationWidth = 2 ; Width it occupies in formations. Current choices are 1 or 2.
    FormationDepth = 1 ; Depth it occupies in formations. Current choices are 1 or 2.
    CrushableLevel = 0 ;What am I?: 0 = for infantry, 1 = for trees, 2 = general vehicles
    CrusherLevel = 0

TransportSlotCount = 1
    Body = ImmortalBody ModuleTag_ImmortalBody
        MaxHealth = 1
    Behavior = HordeAIUpdate ModuleTag_HordeAIUpdate
        AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle    = Yes ATTACK_BUILDINGS
        MoodAttackCheckRate            = 500
        MaxCowerTime                =    5000
        MinCowerTime                =    3000
        AILuaEventsList                = InfantryFunctions    ; AJAMI
        AttackPriority                = AttackPriority_Infantry

    Behavior = HordeContain ModuleTag_HordeContain
        ObjectStatusOfContained =
        InitialPayload = JGondorFighter GOOD_MEN_HORDE_SIZE
        Slots = 5
        PassengerFilter    = NONE +INFANTRY
        ShowPips = No
        ThisFormationIsTheMainFormation = Yes    ;Used to determine which armorset to use (and anything else we want!)
        RandomOffset=X:4 Y:4

        ; Positions for 5
        RankInfo = RankNumber:1 UnitType:JGondorFighter Position:X:15 Y:0    Position:X:15 Y:25    Position:X:15 Y:-25    Position:X:15 Y:50    Position:X:15 Y:-50
        RanksToReleaseWhenAttacking = 1
        BackUpMinDelayTime        = 1        ; The minimum amount of time to delay before backing up
        BackUpMaxDelayTime        = 3000        ; The maximum amount of time to delay before backing up
        BackUpMinDistance        = 1            ; The minimum number of cells to backup
        BackUpMaxDistance        = 3            ; The maximum number of cells to backup
        BackupPercentage        = 80%        ; The amount of chance that a unit will back up.
        MeleeAttackLeashDistance = 25; How far the hordes can move from the center of the horde when melee attacking.

    Behavior = PhysicsBehavior ModuleTag_PhysicsBehavior
        GravityMult = 1.0
    Behavior = CommandButtonHuntUpdate ModuleTag_CommandButtonHuntUpdate

    Behavior = EmotionTrackerUpdate    Module_EmotionTracker
        TauntAndPointDistance        =    INFANTRY_TAUNT_POINT_RADIUS        ; max distance
        ;;Left out the usual CODES in this ..for a cleaner Tutorial !!
;; ADD them Back !
        AddEmotion            =    CheerIdle_Base
        AddEmotion            =    CheerBusy_Base
        AddEmotion            =    HeroCheerIdle_Base
        AddEmotion            =    HeroCheerBusy_Base
        AddEmotion            =    Alert_Base

        Locomotor = NormalMeleeHordeLocomotor
        Condition = SET_NORMAL
        Locomotor = ScaredMeleeHordeLocomotor
        Condition = SET_SCARED

#include "..\..\..\includes\"

    Behavior = StancesBehavior ModuleTag_StancesBehavior
StanceTemplate = FighterHorde

;--------Numenor Hero Mode

Behavior = WeaponModeSpecialPowerUpdate ModuleTag_KnifeFighterPowerUpdate
        SpecialPowerTemplate        = SpecialAbilityNumenorHero
        Duration                = 60000
        AttributeModifier            = Numenor_HERO_MODE
        LockWeaponSlot            = SECONDARY
        StartsPaused            = No

    CommandSet = NumenorCommandSetHorde

    Geometry = BOX
    GeometryMajorRadius = 20.0
    GeometryMinorRadius = 20.0
    GeometryHeight = 20.0
    GeometryIsSmall = No

Now we can begin to modify the new Horde


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BouncyKnight - Wednesday April 26, 2017 - 15:50

Thank you sir! This is a really helpful and working way on how to toggle secondary weapon!

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Friday August 27, 2010 - 18:59

Nice solid tutorial.

Lauri (Team Chamber Member) - Saturday July 31, 2010 - 15:25

It's just as in the forums..
without the two * just enter [*code]All code in here[*/code]

And what I meant by explaining is that you didn't really explain what different things did.. Like, why do you have to have this code here, or this here, stuff like that

JUS_SAURON - Saturday July 31, 2010 - 9:11

Sorry , Its my very First Tutorial ..
Not sure how to use the Codebox in this page setup
I will try to explain and redo

Lauri (Team Chamber Member) - Saturday July 31, 2010 - 9:02

You don't explain much, only show the code..
And if possible could you update it to use the

code wrappings?

Spartan184 - Saturday July 31, 2010 - 8:28

Very good tutorial.

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