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Horde Blademaster / Deadeye / Knifefighter

Avatar of JUS_SAURON


Category: Code
Level: Beginner
Created: Saturday July 31, 2010 - 6:02
Updated: Friday August 27, 2010 - 19:27
Views: 6038
Summary: giving hordes Hero Mode weapons


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5 votes

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The Animations and Fx's :

Without this bit the unit would have activated the power but stand still even if attacking
i.e no visual attacking animations ..
This will enable the new power to give an Fx on the unit when in use
and will allow for Attacking Animations for the Power .
It is basically a duplication of the normal Attacking anims and ModelConditionState
but now named properly so that the new 'Weapon B' can have a animation code base


//================ MODELS =================================================================
            Model                            = GUMAArms_SKN
            Skeleton                        = GUMAArms_SKL

            Model                            = GUMAArms_SKN
            Skeleton                        = GUMAArms_SKL            
ParticleSysBone = BAT_HEAD Slayer FollowBone:Yes

This is new ModelConditionState = WEAPONLOCK_SECONDARY is added under the Default one

It gives a red Slayer Glow like Legolas KnifeFighter

//============ AMIMATIONS =================================================================
And the Animations code :
I have named the seperate anims [1] , [2]
It goes ABOVE the original and is an EXACT DUPLICATE of the original
but with the addition of FIRING_OR_PREATTACK_B WEAPONLOCK_SECONDARY etc ...

;;;; MOVING and Attacking :

            ShareAnimation        = Yes
            Animation = RunAndFire
                AnimationName = GUManMocap_ATRA
                AnimationMode = LOOP
            Flags = RANDOMSTART

        AnimationState = MOVING FIRING_OR_PREATTACK_A ;[original]
            ShareAnimation        = Yes
            Animation = RunAndFire
                AnimationName = GUManMocap_ATRA
                AnimationMode = LOOP
            Flags = RANDOMSTART


AnimationState                        = FIRING_OR_PREATTACK_B WEAPONLOCK_SECONDARY ;[2]
            Animation                        = ATA1
                AnimationName                = GUManMocap_ATKA
                AnimationMode                = ONCE
                UseWeaponTiming                = Yes
            //ParticleSysBone                = None MeleeDust
        AnimationState                        = FIRING_OR_PREATTACK_A ;[original]
            Animation                        = ATA1
                AnimationName                = GUManMocap_ATKA
                AnimationMode                = ONCE
                UseWeaponTiming                = Yes
            //ParticleSysBone                = None MeleeDust

NB : do not just add this as seen here ,
look at the original attacking anims and add the new codes only ABOVE the original blocks


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BouncyKnight - Wednesday April 26, 2017 - 15:50

Thank you sir! This is a really helpful and working way on how to toggle secondary weapon!

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Friday August 27, 2010 - 18:59

Nice solid tutorial.

Lauri (Team Chamber Member) - Saturday July 31, 2010 - 15:25

It's just as in the forums..
without the two * just enter [*code]All code in here[*/code]

And what I meant by explaining is that you didn't really explain what different things did.. Like, why do you have to have this code here, or this here, stuff like that

JUS_SAURON - Saturday July 31, 2010 - 9:11

Sorry , Its my very First Tutorial ..
Not sure how to use the Codebox in this page setup
I will try to explain and redo

Lauri (Team Chamber Member) - Saturday July 31, 2010 - 9:02

You don't explain much, only show the code..
And if possible could you update it to use the

code wrappings?

Spartan184 - Saturday July 31, 2010 - 8:28

Very good tutorial.

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