The 3rd Age

Battle of the Pelennor Fields

Battle of the Pelennor Fields

Six new factions. Controle any of the races of man that participated in the War of the Ring.

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Horde Blademaster / Deadeye / Knifefighter

Avatar of JUS_SAURON


Category: Code
Level: Beginner
Created: Saturday July 31, 2010 - 6:02
Updated: Friday August 27, 2010 - 19:27
Views: 6041
Summary: giving hordes Hero Mode weapons


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Now you can have a HORDE STYLE BladeMaster !

If you want an Archer Horde Power eg a Horde that uses Fire Arrows for a limited time
then all the steps are the same ..

I will add the amins for the archer :
Based Off GondorArcher


; --------- With Bow ------------
            Model                        = GUArcher_SKN
            Skeleton                    = GUArcher_SKL
            WeaponLaunchBone =    PRIMARY ARROW


    ModelConditionState = WEAPONLOCK_SECONDARY
        Model                        = GUArcher_SKN
        Skeleton                    = GUArcher_SKL
        WeaponLaunchBone    =    PRIMARY ARROW
        ParticleSysBone        = FireArowTip arrowFire FollowBone:Yes
ParticleSysBone        = FireArowTip ArrowFireGlow FollowBone:Yes
     ParticleSysBone        = FireArowTip ArrowSpark FollowBone:Yes             



//---------------------- NEW FOR SECOND WEAPON
        //New style firing
        AnimationState                    =    PREATTACK_B WEAPONLOCK_SECONDARY
            StateName                    =    STATE_PreFiring
            Animation                    =    ReadyToDrawn
                AnimationName            =    GUArcher_ATKF1
                AnimationMode            =    ONCE
//                UseWeaponTiming            =    Yes            
                AnimationBlendTime        =    10

        AnimationState                    =    FIRING_OR_RELOADING_B WEAPONLOCK_SECONDARY
            StateName                    =    STATE_Firing
            Animation                    =    LooseReloadDraw
                AnimationName            =    GUArcher_ATKF2
                AnimationMode            =    ONCE
//                UseWeaponTiming            =    Yes        
                AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 1.2 1.3        
                AnimationBlendTime        =    0
            Flags = START_FRAME_FIRST

//---------------------- END
    ; ORIGINAL :     

        //New style firing
        AnimationState                    =    PREATTACK_A
            StateName                    =    STATE_PreFiring
            Animation                    =    ReadyToDrawn
                AnimationName            =    GUArcher_ATKF1
                AnimationMode            =    ONCE
//                UseWeaponTiming            =    Yes        
                AnimationBlendTime        =    10

        AnimationState                    =    FIRING_OR_RELOADING_A
            StateName                    =    STATE_Firing
            Animation                    =    LooseReloadDraw
                AnimationName            =    GUArcher_ATKF2
                AnimationMode            =    ONCE
//                UseWeaponTiming            =    Yes    
                AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 1.2 1.3        
                AnimationBlendTime        =    0
            Flags = START_FRAME_FIRST

The Weapon :


        Conditions = None
        Weapon                = PRIMARY    GondorArcherBow
        Weapon                = SECONDARY    GondorArcherBow_SUPER
     AutoChooseSources    = SECONDARY NONE


Weapon GondorArcherBow_SUPER
    AttackRange = 350
    RangeBonusMinHeight    = 10
    RangeBonus        = 1
    RangeBonusPerFoot    = 1
LeechRangeWeapon = Yes
    WeaponSpeed = 350 ; dist/sec
    MinWeaponSpeed = 250
    MaxWeaponSpeed = 500 ; dist/sec Upper limit on scaling, when attacking past nominal "max" range
    FireFX = FX_RohanArcherBowWeapon
    ScaleWeaponSpeed = Yes ; Used for lob weapons, scales speed proportional to range
    HitPercentage = 100 ;When this weapon is used it will hit exactly 50% of the time.
    ScatterRadius = 16.0 ;When this weapon misses it can randomly miss by as much as this distance.
    AcceptableAimDelta    = 20    ; prevent twitchy reaiming in horde on horde
    DelayBetweenShots = 0
    PreAttackRandomAmount = 40 ; ;200
    PreAttackType = PER_POSITION
    FiringDuration = 0
    ClipSize            = 1
    AutoReloadsClip        = Yes
    AutoReloadWhenIdle    = 1    
    ContinuousFireOne    = 0
    AntiAirborneVehicle    = Yes
    AntiAirborneMonster    = Yes
    HitPassengerPercentage    = 20%
    CanBeDodged                = Yes

    ProjectileNugget    ; Fire arrow available through fire upgrade
        ProjectileTemplateName = GondorArcherFireArrow
        WarheadTemplateName = SUPERGondorArcherBowFireWarhead

Weapon SUPERGondorArcherBowFireWarhead
    HitStoredTarget = Yes    ; Always hits initial target.

    DamageNugget ; A basic Nugget that just does damage
        Damage = 1
        Radius = 0.0    
        DamageType = FLAME
        DamageFXType = FLAME
        DeathType = BURNED
        AcceptDamageAdd = No
        DamageScalar = 50000% NONE +MINE ; Make sure we one shot kill mines,

        Damage = 100
DamageScalar = 300% ANY +INFANTRY -HERO ; ;
DamageScalar = 500% ANY +HERO ; ;
        Radius = 0.0
        DelayTime = 0
        DamageType = FLAME
        DamageFXType = FLAME
        DeathType = BURNED
        AcceptDamageAdd = No        


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BouncyKnight - Wednesday April 26, 2017 - 15:50

Thank you sir! This is a really helpful and working way on how to toggle secondary weapon!

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Friday August 27, 2010 - 18:59

Nice solid tutorial.

Lauri (Team Chamber Member) - Saturday July 31, 2010 - 15:25

It's just as in the forums..
without the two * just enter [*code]All code in here[*/code]

And what I meant by explaining is that you didn't really explain what different things did.. Like, why do you have to have this code here, or this here, stuff like that

JUS_SAURON - Saturday July 31, 2010 - 9:11

Sorry , Its my very First Tutorial ..
Not sure how to use the Codebox in this page setup
I will try to explain and redo

Lauri (Team Chamber Member) - Saturday July 31, 2010 - 9:02

You don't explain much, only show the code..
And if possible could you update it to use the

code wrappings?

Spartan184 - Saturday July 31, 2010 - 8:28

Very good tutorial.

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