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Radiance Cont'd

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Category: Code
Level: Beginner
Created: Thursday February 9, 2012 - 7:26
Updated: Thursday August 30, 2012 - 17:07
Views: 3423
Summary: Some more thoughts on radiance power


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Next we will specify the weapon in data\ini\weapon.ini:


Weapon CreateAHeroRadiancePowerWeapon
    UseInnateAttributes        = No
    RadiusDamageAffects        = ENEMIES NEUTRALS
    DelayBetweenShots        = 0
    FiringDuration            = 500
        Damage                = 3
        DamageScalar        = 200% ALL -ARCHER -STRUCTURE -HERO
        DamageScalar        = 50% ANY +HERO
        DamageScalar        = 0% ANY +STRUCTURE
        AcceptDamageAdd        = No
        Radius            = 200
        DelayTime        = 0
        DamageType        = MAGIC
        DeathType        = NORMAL
        RequiredUpgradeNames    = Upgrade_CreateAHeroRadiancePower

This weapon will be fired every 500ms for 3dmg which is equal to 6dps MAGIC damage. This might not sound like much at first but consider that 6dps MAGIC will kill (without armor upgrade)
- a goblin archer in about 13s
- a gondor archer in about 16s
- an dwarven axe thrower in about 40s (the tough little buggers ;)
Some DamageScalar fields balance the power against structures (which will not be effected by the power), enemy heroes (with only half the damage) and against anything other than heroes, archers and structures (with twice the damage since melee units generally have more health than archers).
There are a few fields I found necessary to add or the power will make the enemy literally (to qoute Gimli) "fall like wheat":
- UseInnateAttributes = No tells the game not to modify the damage with the CAH power attribute.
- AcceptDamageAdd = No will prevent the game from increasing the damage with every level up of the hero.
The crucial piece of code though is

RequiredUpgradeNames    = Upgrade_CreateAHeroRadiancePower

This will tell the game not to use this nugget if the one firing this weapon does not have the specified upgrade(s). So basically until the hero reaches the required level the power will fire a weapon without damage.


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JUS_SAURON - Thursday March 22, 2012 - 22:29

Nice bit of coding ... a new special power system

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